Shop TBT to NMT/IGB conversion. Full selection of Material Stacks, Paintings/Statues, Furniture/Clothing/Crafting Services, Flowers + Hybrids.

  1. TBT Bells
If you want IGB's, they're two million for 4 tbt each and I'll ask anyone that orders above 5 million to have a ABD machine outside so I can give them the bells.

I’ll be placing a limit of 20 million or so at a time due to reasons.

Please have a destination for me to drop off your items or if you want to pick up your items or bells if your island is cramped to save time.

Art is 6 tbt each. Statues are 7 tbt each.

Academic painting - 5
Amazing painting - 7
Ancient statue - 7
Basic painting - 8
Beautiful statue - 6
Calm painting - 7
Common painting - 8
Detailed painting - 6
Dynamic painting - 6
Famous painting - 6
Familiar statue - 6
Flowery painting - 6
Gallant statue - 8
Great statue - 6
Glowing painting - 6
Graceful painting - 8
Informative statue - 7
Jolly painting - 6
Moody painting - 8
Moving painting - 8
Motherly statue - 7
Mystic statue - 6
Mysterious painting - 7
Nice painting - 7
Perfect painting - 7
Proper painting - 5
Quaint painting - 6
Scary painting - 6
Scenic painting - 5
Serene painting - 8
Sinking painting - 7
Solemn painting - 6
Twinkling painting - 7
Tremendous statue - 7
Robust statue - 6
Rock-head statue - 6
Valiant statue - 7
Warm painting - 6
Warrior statue - 6
Wistful painting - 6
Worthy painting - 6
Wild painting left half - 6
Wild painting right half - 6

100 NMT = 9 TBT
150 NMT = 14 TBT
200 NMT = 18 TBT
250 NMT = 23 TBT
300 NMT = 27 TBT
350 NMT = 32 TBT
400 NMT = 36 TBT
500 NMT = 45 TBT
600 NMT = 54 TBT
700 NMT = 63 TBT
800 NMT = 72 TBT
900 NMT = 81 TBT
1000 NMT = 90 TBT
1100 NMT = 99 TBT
1200 NMT = 108 TBT

Materials are 3 TBT per stack.

Clay - 50 stacks
Fish bait - 115 stacks
Golden nugget - 50 stacks
Iron nugget - 50 stacks
Hard wood - 50 stacks
Regular wood - 50 stacks
Soft wood - 50 stacks
Stone - 50 stacks
Large stars - 40
Regular stars - 40
Aquarius fragments - 10 stacks
Aries fragments - 10 stacks
Cancer fragments - 10 stacks
Capricorn fragments - 10 stacks
Gemini fragments - 10 stacks
Leo fragments - 10 stacks
Libra fragments - 10 stacks
Pisces fragments - 10 stacks
Sagittarius fragments - 10 stacks
Scorpius fragments - 10 stacks
Taurus fragments - 10 stacks
Virgo fragments - 10 stacks
Pearls - 40
Tree branch - 50 stacks
Hey could I do 9tbt for 100nmt?