Of course. I’ll send a dodo code now.*dusts off account* can i get 1200 NMT :flushed_emoji:
Of course. Whenever you’re ready, I’ll send you the dodo code to pick them up.Hi there! Could I do the 400 NMT for 40 TBT?
Send me a dodo code and I’ll be overHello! Could I order:
5 golden nugget stacks
5 stone stacks
30 iron nugget stacks
5 regular wood stacks
5 hardwood stacks
For a total of 50 TBT, I believe!
Actually, could I add 20 more iron nuggets to my order, please?Hello! Could I order:
5 golden nugget stacks
5 stone stacks
30 iron nugget stacks
5 regular wood stacks
5 hardwood stacks
For a total of 50 TBT, I believe!
Of course.Actually, could I add 20 more iron nuggets to my order, please?