TBT World Championship Guessing Game - Rewards sent!

Guess for #1: 37,867
Guess for #2 (1st -> 4th): Red, Purple, Blue, Green (Just basing it off from the scores I'm seeing at the time of this post don't @ me Blue's Clues)

I'm sorry, but I can't help but laugh when reading your original post, especially the terms and conditions. :ROFLMAO: Welp, there goes my prize pool shrinking if I ever win lol.
whoops forgot to change my guess before the deadline so i guess we are sticking with the meme guess of 42069
thank you @Shellzilla and @RollingAntony for your generous donations \o/

guesses are no longer being accepted (nor are edits. karma i wish you luck with 42069)
this thread isnt over tho, my shenanigans will continue tomorrow hopefully, unless work kills me. in which case wednesday

edit: i charged vris a toll for paying in the bellflower patch

out of the utmost Kindness and Generosity of my heart, i will put this into the pool #2 if green ends up placing first.
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i've created a lovely and totally not rigged game of Mario TBTWC Party! rules are on the front page because i am about to sleep and i do not want to copy-paste it over here!

but behold! the current standing of the board!

Turn 0

Jolly Redds: 4927
The Bellflowers: 4640
Froggy Chairs: 4634
Blue's Clues: 4285

this is boring for now, but i'll move the pieces and stuff around tomorrow. feel free to keep my company in this thread -- or don't! who knows who the winner will be? i sure don't! because it's definitely not rigged. not at all.
For the minigames should redd send a representative to do trial by combat? Or will you just decide it yourself.
For the minigames should redd send a representative to do trial by combat? Or will you just decide it yourself.
if you're offering yourself up as a punching bag, i will graciously accept

also thanks for the donation. you will get 1 mercy.
Guess for #1: 25,379
Guess for #2 (1st -> 4th): red, purple, green, blue

oops, my bad, saw that no guesses are being taken.
green space idea: all points that other teams have earned get transferred over to the bellflowers. doesn’t matter who lands on it and no this is obviously not rigged. 🙄
hello hello and welcome to Turn #1!

the spaces moved by each player are as follows (calculated as (today's totals - previous day's totals) / 10, rounded up):
  • Jolly Redds: 4932 - 4927 = 5 -> 1 space moved
  • The Bellflowers: 5109 - 4640 = 469 -> 47 spaces moved
  • Froggy Chairs: 4634 - 4634 = 0 -> 0 spaces moved
  • Blues Clues: 4285 - 4285 = 0 -> 0 spaces moved
and thus the board looks as follows:

Turn 1
events that happened:
  • The Jolly Redds have landed on the (!) space at Resident Services!
    Unfortunately for them, Redd is definitely not allowed on the island. Instead of booting them off though, all their coins get divided amongst the other players (so that's 3 each with 1 extra for the Bellflowers because I say so).
  • The Bellflowers move 47 spaces and pass the star, which they obviously buy!
    The star then moves, and they continue their merry way around the entire map, passing the star again... but they don't have enough coins. ywy)... And thus they land on a blue space.
    I could have cheated and moved the star in front of them but the game's not rigged! See?
  • Nothing happens for the Froggy Chairs and Blues Clues, but I'll count it as a green space.
and thus we have our first minigame which i'm totally figuring out as i go!!

1v3 Minigame: Battleship!
(Purple vs Blue, Red, Green)


The rules are simple! Above we have a board that I very lazily ripped off from google images!
  • Purple team members: submit a single space that you want to place your ship (e.g. F4)​
  • Blue, red, green team members: submit two spaces that you want to attack (e.g. A1 and J10)​
Spaces should be submitted to the Google Form here! Because this game loses all purpose if you see each other's answers.

If even one purple ship is left standing: purple wins! Otherwise, blue, red, and green win.
For the sake of fairness I won't put in a ship unless no other purple members participate. Because I get to see all of your answers and no one would believe me if I said I wasn't cheating. Because I probably would.

Results come out tomorrow!
maybe one day i'll put effort into a minigame but i use all my 1 braincells for memeing in the stream chats and in my cheer creation. and in rigging rng to work in my favour in super mario party. 'w')b
I'm sure this will go absolutely smoothly with no chaos at all since it's incredibly legitimate™ and balanced™.
With no foul play. Definitely. Nope.