TBT's Crazy Dream Sequence [Closed]


Not an actual piece of furniture.
Site Owner
Nov 7, 2004
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Valentine's Rose
Sweetheart E

After an intense day of island hopping you're bound to be exhausted. Fast asleep, you had no time to anticipate what was about to happen. Freshly Delivered Fish? Aggressive Lawn Clippings?? Your dreams are nothing but ridiculous passport titles. In this event, your task is to draw a dream assigned to you by a random combination of New Horizons passport titles. Deeper asleep, your dreams are getting even crazier! In round two of the event, you'll be tasked with creating another dream, this time from user-submitted words.

How To Participate 💫

Create Your Dream: Round 1 (Ended)

Everyone has an assigned dream, which was randomly combined from passport titles in New Horizons.​
Create your dream by either drawing it or putting together objects on a flat surface. For this event, keep your creations constrained to medium-sized square: about 600 x 600 pixels, 8 x 8 inches, or 20 x 20 cm. Post an image of your drawing or creation in this thread and tell us what your dream is about.​

Write a Custom Dream Prompt (Ended)

Meanwhile, help determine our next round of dreams by submitting your own words. Come up with your best adjective for the left side or noun for the right side of the phrase. These should be submitted privately, which is explained below. You may submit more than one prompt, but please no more than two. You will not be given extra tickets for submitting more than one. We will then select some of the prompts to combine into our random dreams for you all to create in round 2!​

Create Your Dream: Round 2 (Ended)

Everyone now has a second assigned dream from all of the community submitted prompts! The instructions are the same as the first round.​
What wacky combination do you have to create this time? Good luck!​

Rules 💫

  • The dream you submit must be created by you.
  • It can be either hand drawn, digitally drawn, objects put together on a flat surface, or a combination of these methods.
  • Whether you draw your creation or use objects, keep it constrained to a medium-sized square: about 600 x 600 pixels, 8 x 8 inches, or 20 x 20 cm. If you're using objects, putting a piece of paper behind them can help achieve this.
  • A reasonable amount of effort should be put into your creations. Submissions that appear rushed or made as a joke won't be accepted.
  • Keep both creations and written prompts appropriate.
  • Feel free to submit up to two written prompts, but you will only receive tickets for one of them.

Event Schedule 💫

  • August 16th: Open for round 1 creations and custom prompts
  • August 29th 11:59 PM Fair Time: Deadline for round 1 creations and written prompts
  • August 30th: Once the community's custom prompts are assigned, round 2 creations can begin
  • September 13th 11:59 PM Fair Time: Deadline for round 2 creations

How to Submit 💫

Your Dream Creations: Simply post an image of them in this thread and state what your assigned dream was.

Write a Custom Dream Prompt: Make a new thread in the Private Contest and Event Submission board and use the following fields:
  • Select "TBT's Crazy Dream Sequence Prompt" for the Event Name.
  • Write your word in the "Text Entry" field.
  • Say if it's a left word (adjective) or right word (noun) in the thread title.
  • Leave the other fields blank and put anything you want in the message.

Prizes 💫

  • Dream creations completed: 5 tickets per round
  • Write a dream prompt: 1 ticket
  • Staff favorite: 4 tickets and the Animated Shooting Star collectible
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Hi! Just to clarify before I start creating my entry:

Would a digital collage of different images be an acceptable submission (even if we do not own the rights to the image ourselves)? (As it'd combine the concepts of 'objects put together on a flat surface' and 'digitally drawn')
Hi! Just to clarify before I start creating my entry:

Would a digital collage of different images be an acceptable submission (even if we do not own the rights to the image ourselves)? (As it'd combine the concepts of 'objects put together on a flat surface' and 'digitally drawn')
It has to be created by you, so you can't use images created by other people. Instead, "putting objects together" means that you can use crafts and other objects to create your dreams if you want, not just 2D drawings. For example, "Lawn Clippings" is one of the right side passport titles. You could incorporate actual lawn clippings into your creation. Most importantly, though, be creative! The selected staff favorites receive bonus prizes.
Good work everyone!! By the way, we've received a lot of left words (adjectives) so far, but not too many right word nouns!
can i get a re-roll i don't understand what mine is trying to say to me
Unfortunately they are already locked in!
Umm, okay. I'm not a great artist to begin with but I... guess I can give it a shot at some point. I do wish we could get re-rolls, though 😅 Some people got such cool ones!
Wide ranging MVP?? Loll I’ll do my best 😂😂😂

I hope you take into account the difficulty of the words provided 😂