TBT's Farewell to mew Leaf: Closing Ceremony

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NL brought me to these forums, so this event felt a little more personal than others. Farewell To mew Leaf was a beautiful way to close out the game and leave us with great memories and warm nostalgia.

Thanks to the staff, and everyone who helped with my fruit blitz.

Congrats to all!
The winning entries are all so amazing-- I feel like this was a true homage to the game and no other corner of the internet can compare. I'm glad we all enjoyed this together.
Many thanks to the staff of TBT,
and of course thanks to the creators of mew Leaf (though they probably aren't reading this).
This was an awesome event!! Possibly one of the best events yet! It was very thoughtful of you Staff to create this beautiful send-off to mew Leaf. I never expected I'd get to play NL for a TBT event, it was a strange feeling at first but it made me wish I had been on TBT in '13-'14! Anyway, It's so nice to finally have perfect fruit on here.. I think the perfect cherry is my favorite... The balloons are of course great too please bring them back eventually so that I can get a Red Heart Balloon ❤️

Congrats to all the winners! Thank you for the staff favorite on my scrapbook entry and also the honorable mention on my silly little rap lmao I am honestly so shocked 😅 was low-key worried that people didn't like it very much\

Also, wow it must have been Porter in the town tree hole the entire time!! Little rascal!! I miss Porter so much, the dodos just don't compare. Porter collectible when
This was truly my favourite TBT event ever! And not just because balloon collectibles finally got the attention they deserve lol - it was a beautiful send-off to a game that is so special to most of us. I enjoyed completing all the town initiatives, participating in trivia, posting every day to get silver, and of course seeing what my balloon tokens would turn into! Also, I have so much appreciation for all the little details in this event, like the unique descriptions on each balloon collectible and the banner that's playing right now 🥲 thank you for such an enjoyable and nostalgic two weeks!
I think I misread the homes event and only submitted two rooms. they weren't gonna win but woops.

Anyways wow, RIP mew Leaf. Still can't believe it. I joined this forum in the leadup to mew Leaf, after it released in Japan. Can't believe I'm still messing around here 12 years later.

Here's hoping that ACNH still has the same level of longevity.

The header scroll is a really sweet touch to the end of this. It's wild how much the forum has evolved over time with mew Leaf, too. Back when I started, events weren't really a thing, the most that changed would be like, the forum header image. And it was static. Now we have moving pieces.
this event was really cute! i mean no offense with this but a lot of events kind of feel repetitive; a colouring contest, a craft, a writing prompt, and some pseudo egg-hunt. it's pretty impressive how while this event has some overlapping features, it still felt like it's own special thing. kudos especially to the streetpass event - it's yet another dusting event but it had such a fun and unique twist that it felt completely different, and i feel like the cooldowns and limit made it much better than the ones that came before it. i also really love how trivia is now! i barely had time to even read the questions before lol.

i couldn't participate in half the things 'cause i no longer have my copy of mew leaf, but i was still able to have fun and have a fair shot at getting all the collectibles i liked. i'm really glad for that, i felt left out and kinda disregarded at the championships 'cause i don't have $90 to spend on nintendo games and was worried this would be similar, but it's the complete opposite. the balance here was pretty perfect.

i'm also SO glad there aren't any extravagant, hard-to-get collectibles this time around. the sweet balloons are rarer but not unreachable, and didn't break the market. somehow we got 850345 mew collectibles and everything remained really chill.

great job justin!!! 💙
Congrats to all the winners! Selecting staff favorites was truly so difficult. So many entries touched my heart. The nostalgia, the growth, and the love were all evident. I'm not going to lie; there were moments I teared up. So I'm giving a shout out to everyone because you all deserve it for making this event so special!

While I'm here, I also want to say that getting insane scores in Puzzle League is no easy feat with panels going at max speed for hours on end. It takes roughly an hour just to reach 100,000 points and I honestly wish that those who did break that barrier got a shout out too. Not just @/IonicKarma that absolutely wrecked it with their 696,969 points. Nice lol. I'd like to give a shout out to @/daringred_ with her score of 104,937 points, @/Firesquids with her score of 170,313 points, @/Rio_ with their score 319,629 points, and myself with a score of 515,505 points. You guys are amazing as well. 🎉
While I didn't compile a list of all the top scorers, you're absolutely right that all of these were impressive feats. That includes the highest scores in Desert Island Escape too. I hope you all feel proud of your efforts!
What a lovely send off for a memorable, and loved game, and event.
Huge congrats to all the winners~
I need sleeping porter screen shot but he aint sleeping right now ;_;

Screenshot 2024-03-27 05.00.19.png
What a way to say goodbye to the online server for mew Leaf! A huge thank you to all the staff who made it possible. You always put in 110%! I never thought there would be so many events and collectibles available! The StreetPass Silver was a really nice feature, so that members who no longer had mew Leaf/not progressed enough could still participate! Also, the scrolling banner in the header, made me smile so much! :)


this is such a late post since i got to work when it was posted and i only had access to proper internet now 😭 but thank you so so so much for the event!!! i know i said i didn't care much about ACNL servers shutting down, but since this event aired, I got to relive so many memories of years ago when I was a wee teenager enjoying the simpler life in ACNL 🥹 it brought back so much nostalgia and so many feelings buried, and amidst all the celebration on other sites about ACNH's 4th year anniv, it's so refreshing that this website cherishes ACNL so much as well. Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, thank you staff for hosting this event, you made me tear up remembering so many things. I initially wasn't even going to join the art and story writing comps due to busy work, but after bonding with my friends over ACNL tasks and everyone gushing about how they'll miss ACNL, I just had to come up with something in commemoration. I'm really glad I did, because I don't think I'd be the person I am today without ACNL.

I posted my scrabook art with this caption in my private instagram and I thought I'd share it here too!!

The prompt was to create a scrabook-like art on anything about Animal Crossing: mew Leaf in dedication to one last stroll down memory lane before online servers shut down permanently. I was very busy the past weeks and initially wasn’t planning to join, but I realized how much ACNL meant to me and how it genuinely changed the trajectory of my life that I just had to make something.

I spent over 500 hours playing ACNL years ago, and it introduced me to a community where I truly belong, friends whom I truly love, and art hobbies that I wouldn’t have otherwise explored if it weren’t for the game.

This art is dedicated to all those 500 hours of memories, good times or bad times. It’s shallow and cheesy but it makes me really happy looking back. During the last hour of the event I cried over sheer nostalgia while listening to ACNL music, and my friends were gushing about feeling the same way as well. It’s crazy how one game has managed to touch and intertwine so many lives at once. I’m really, really happy to have been part of this era, and I’m happy this game has impacted me so positively that I don’t think I’d be the same person I am today without it.

Farewell, mew Leaf, my pride, my joy, my happiness, my love. May the winds and balloons take you where you need to be next. 🎈

Also, congratulations to all the winners!! SO SO MANY GOOD ENTRIES I can't imagine choosing only four (!!!!!!) per category 😭 It was so fun looking through what each person considered a "core memory" of theirs in ACNL, and how they chose to portray that through art and writing. I was so cheesy and nostalgic in my art entry so I thought a perfect palette cleanser for me was to write something goofy and light-hearted for the writing prompt :LOL: Idk it came to me while reading a mew admin post on the elevator ride in my building LOL. I'm so glad you guys enjoyed it!! in hindsight I did cover my full experience with ACNL (art: what I loved; writing: what I hated) hehe

Thank you again staff and TBT for bringing back ACNL one last time before online server shutdown!! I hope everyone had fun with this event and got to relive lots of memories of that old game 🥹 Farewell, mew Leaf (servers), I love you lotsss!! 💕
This was a truly wonderful event, at the very beginning I wouldn't have even thought it would be so enjoyable, nostalgic and emotional at the same time, and simply just wholesome. I had a great, very special time coming back to my old town and participating in all those little activities. Thank you, it was something else.

And of course congratulations to all the winners! The entries were amazing (well duh) and those high scores, just wow!

...I guess it's finally time to get my eggs out of the closet >:3c
I just saw this and I can't express enough how grateful I am to everyone involved in this event! So much love and attention to detail made this such a fitting tribute to mew Leaf. I am honored to have been apart of it.

And WOW! That tree, Porter, the scrolling text, AND including my name in it? Who gave you permission to make me so emotional?!

I never felt so connected to the forum outside the mew Leaf areas as an NL only player, but after this I certainly feel more ready to test out mew waters and mew horizons ;)

I'll be seeing myself out.

mew Leaf Forever!
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