ok egg 5 done that was easy
I read this as "5 eggs done" I was gonna scream
ok egg 5 done that was easy
Help xD I have just one question: can the eggs be anywhere or only in posts? Because that changes a whole lot.
The eggs could be anywhere. Quite literally anywhere.
:/// wheres the horse egg :///
Are the puzzle codes cap sensitive?
Puzzle: Use the clue to work out the code. Once you've worked it out, type it in all caps and with no spaces or symbols in place of "CODEHERE" at the end of this URL: http://www.belltreeforums.com/credits.php?code=CODEHERE
I'm confused.. Do the eggs look like eggs or can they look like other things? :/
Make sure to read over the entire first post so you don't miss anything!