TBT's Fifth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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The year is 2025. It's TBT's annual Egg Hunt, and egg #37 can only be found by creating a thread in the contact the staff forum, awaiting a response from a mod (NOT AN ADMIN, A MOD) and reporting the mod's reply to you. You will then receive a PM from an admin with a crossword puzzle. Solve this, and they will link you to a challenging flash game that, when completed, will yield the code for egg #37.
The year is 2025. It's TBT's annual Egg Hunt, and egg #37 can only be found by creating a thread in the contact the staff forum, awaiting a response from a mod (NOT AN ADMIN, A MOD) and reporting the mod's reply to you. You will then receive a PM from an admin with a crossword puzzle. Solve this, and they will link you to a challenging flash game that, when completed, will yield the code for egg #37.

24 i had the right idea but gave up after a few tries using the gulliver rewards. neve give up, I will remember to, next time.
For 24, my two thoughts were Gulliver and LoZ. but for Gulliver, I didn't try that item. Tried others. LoZ because Goron Tunic. Once 3 was changed to calamari, Splatoon reference was pretty obvious I just never found the right thread. Rip.
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The year is 2025. It's TBT's annual Egg Hunt, and egg #37 can only be found by creating a thread in the contact the staff forum, awaiting a response from a mod (NOT AN ADMIN, A MOD) and reporting the mod's reply to you. You will then receive a PM from an admin with a crossword puzzle. Solve this, and they will link you to a challenging flash game that, when completed, will yield the code for egg #37.

The worse thing is that i expect them to do this , or atleast save this comment for 2025 easter
I thought clue 3, there was enough there to find it, i know i looked past that poll text on more than one search before i finally found it, and i should have had a better eye out for it bc there was something similar last year i think with text in a poll, actually i was hilighting the poll texts in clues without reading them at first thinking that would reveal any links, i should have been more careful. definitely #3 was not the worst one...
Really mad I didn't get some of these. They were pretty easy.

I logged out to see if there were any hidden things, actually, and I never noticed it.
10 & 23 are the type of clues I'd write :p seeing the answers, I was so close to getting 15 and the galaxy egg but gave up too soon on a few of them! still happy with the huge step up from last year though :)

edit: wrong 'to'
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Did any one else stalk like all the staff's profiles in case there was some kind of white text train of clues nonsense like what was it... last easter or 2015 christmas or something?
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BOY OKAY i dont feel too bad about myself for some of these because i would have no idea to look in some of the places specified because i mainly stick to only a few sections of the forum but there are definitely some i'm disappointed in myself for. its especially infuriating when i see answers to the ones i think i had but was like "nah it could never be in there thats ancient". next year i'll try harder but nothing beats that kirby egg. i willget that kirby egg no matter what
The worse thing is that i expect them to do this , or atleast save this comment for 2025 easter

Jeremy liked that post so it's not out of the question

I'm very afraid for the coming egg hunts
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