TBT's Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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Nothing happens when I type in the url CODEHERE? I type a word all in caps with the answer I think it may be but nothing happens? Am I supposed to get a notification?

Nothing will happen if it's not the right answer, if it is the right answer it will redirect you and you'll get a message saying you earned an egg.
i can't wait until the search and started thread functions are back.
Omg I'll just be glad if I can get a normal Easter egg at this rate. I think I already got all the easy ones ;(
Got a dark and candy egg, kinda sad there werent enough eggs to get a sakura and pika egg too


I just woke up so sorry I didnt post it sooner :p No gold egg see
I doubted myself for 2 days and didn't think I could never solve a single clue or a puzzle! But I figured it out on my own and I got myself a nice Pikachu Egg! Thank you Zipper T Bunny for giving me this healthy challenge for my mind!
Yeah! I got my Sakura egg. I need to get one more answer in order to buy another egg, and then I am calling it quits. I enjoyed the hunt as always.
Yeah! I got my Sakura egg. I need to get one more answer in order to buy another egg, and then I am calling it quits. I enjoyed the hunt as always.

I'm done with the Egg hunt. I will have a better chance in scoring a Sakura Egg next year.
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