I really do hate how little I've been able to participate in this event as well as TBT as a whole recently. While this is mostly due to school, when I'm at home I just really never think that much about TBT, so I'm super sorry to anyone who's been wondering where I've been (which isn't likely to have been anyone).
It's sad this event came to an end but I look forward to seeing what's in store for Christmas. I don't recall participating in last year's Christmas event since I just couldn't get in the spirit... It was such a shame because these events are fun, but it just isn't fun to force yourself to enjoy something. I hope I'm in a better headspace during this year's event, and I'm thinking that I will be.
Congratulations to all winners and thank you to our amazing staff team. You always go above and beyond
I always say this but as it’s true I will say it again. It’s the people who make this place special and personally I am so grateful to the staff, my dear friends and everyone here