This will sound stupid, but how do we submit the answer to puzzles?
This will sound stupid, but how do we submit the answer to puzzles?
It's tough, as you don't always know what the clue is asking for. In both 16 and 17 it's hard to work out exactly what they want. I'm guessing everything I can think of but getting nowhere!
When they reveal the answers we all be kicking ourselves!
When they reveal the answers we all be kicking ourselves!
I'm done. I have gotten all the eggs I need and will be selling them to someone who wants them more than me. I'm not a biggie on collectibles.
I've gotten every single one except 17 im crying literal tears why this why easter why does life exist
I'm done. I have gotten all the eggs I need and will be selling them to someone who wants them more than me. I'm not a biggie on collectibles.
You can't sell the little eggs you collect, they are nontransferable! The ones you buy you can though if that's what you mean.
You can't sell the little eggs you collect, they are nontransferable! The ones you buy you can though if that's what you mean.