TBT's Second Annual Easter Egg Hunt

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no this is me


sorry guys we didn't actually hide #17 it was all a lie
I'm so confused I found a couple pages where it says "you found an egg!" And then I click on "you found an egg!" and it says I still have 0 eggs what did I do wrong?
Well that's me for tonight! Its late here and I've got a busy day tomorrow! Hopefully when I get up there will be some new clues to try out or my brain will have worked out the other ones!
Eh I found another one but its not working. My inbox is not full. I'm really confused, and no I haven't used it already.
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The answer to 17 has only been obtained by the enlightened ones. Us mortals will never know the truth.

at least not until after the the hunt is over and the answers are posted.

17 isnt as hard as it sounds :p
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