Pokémon Team Aqua or Team Magma?


Permanent Hiatus
Sep 20, 2013
I haven?t seen a thread for this question yet, and was wondering which team everyone thought was better. I obviously have to go with Team Aqua.

During my sixth grade year of middle school, I was a Team Aqua Grunt on Halloween dress-up day. I had the costume from online, and I was carrying around my Croconaw plush. :cool:

Which team do you prefer? Team Aqua or Team Magma?
Definitely Team Magma. I would prefer not to drown in an endless sea of water (lol).
Both have their strengths and weaknesses, but I tend to favor Team Aqua over Team Magma. On an aesthetic level, I prefer the way both Archie and the grunts look over Maxie and the Magma grunts. Furthermore, I sympathize more with Archie's stated goals as expressed in Alpha Sapphire than I do with Maxie's. To quote:

Archie said:
So tell me, boyo/girlie? Do you know that Pok?mon, people, and all life in this world depend on the sea for life? That's right. The sea is an irreplaceable treasure for every living thing on this planet. But with our selfish extravagance, humanity dirties the great ocean, destroying this source of all life? Day by day, we're all destroying our most precious resource! If we humans suffer from our actions, well, maybe we'll end up getting what we deserve. But what about the Pok?mon in our world? The Pok?mon that no longer have a place to live because we stole and soiled their seas? The Pok?mon that won't have a place to raise their young and watch them grow? We are creating a world in which innocent Pok?mon suffer as a result of our actions? And that is something that I can't forgive! That's why I came to a decision, see? The foolish actions of my fellow humans, the seas we have blighted, nature itself? I will return everything to its unspoiled beginnings!"

That said, while I prefer Team Aqua in nearly every way, I have to say that Courtney, the Team Magma Admin, is pretty neat.
Team Magma because I've always played Ruby, but I think Team Aqua have better ideals.
Omggg I really like both I can't choose T__T
They're also my favorite teams in like the whole series, I get so hyped when I see them on omega ruby :D

(That being said I secretly really like team magma #w#)
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I absolutely love team Magma. I don’t know what it is about them, I just love them.
So, when it comes down to it, I prefer Team Magma's outfits over Team Aqua's. I love the hoodie thing they got going on and I think it's super cute ears is just to die for. I also enjoy the admins -- Courtney and Tabitha. I love Courtney's crazy data and robotic behavior. I think it's sweet she wants Maxie saved although she has a weird time showing it. Tabitha is just someone I really like. He is super loyal to Maxie, and a very intelligent scientist.

That being said, ultimately I prefer Team Aqua's agenda more, although they forget that land pokemon need..... Well, land. I get that the ocean is a treasure, personally because it has absolutely incredible importance to me, and that in real life we are truly destroying our ocean slowly, but the land is also necessary for the pokemon that can't swim. ;x

Ultimately, I'd destroy both teams with no qualms because it's either dying by suffocation from heat or drowning. Or burning, depending on. But then again, they don't realize that Kyogre and Groudon won't listen to them until very, very, VERY late in the game. xD;