Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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I am not making a big deal..I'm just saying this because we finally get to see each other after 6 years.

Ah, ok. It just seemed like you were since instead of saying "I'M SEEING SOMEONE IVE NOT SEEN IN 6 YEARS" you said "OMG IM GOING TO A 7TH GRADERS HOUSE" Have fun!
Ah, ok. It just seemed like you were since instead of saying "I'M SEEING SOMEONE IVE NOT SEEN IN 6 YEARS" you said "OMG IM GOING TO A 7TH GRADERS HOUSE" Have fun!

Yeah I know haha. I was thinking I could sleepover at her house but then I was like, "nah" because I get homesick pretty easily lol
Ikr!? It's one of my favorite birthstones... ;-; someone should ask admin/mod to put the september and the october birthstones both available next month, so everyone still gets a chance at both.

Yes hopefully they`ll give us a chance to purchase the September birthstone >.<
Tried out a new sig technique= what do you think?
I did talk to one of the mods.. but even they say they don't know when it'll be available? o__O
seriously.. thought it was a simple fix
didn't think it'd take this long tbh @__@
I just found my old Tomodachi Life game card!!! I'm playing right now.

I got it for Christmas but my dad took it away, then I found it when my mom was cleaning out the car!
I'm so happy! But for some reason, the date was 10/30/19, I was like whatttt
I did talk to one of the mods.. but even they say they don't know when it'll be available? o__O
seriously.. thought it was a simple fix
didn't think it'd take this long tbh @__@

Yeah, if it?d be simple to fix, it would already be fixed. Might take them a while -.-
I did talk to one of the mods.. but even they say they don't know when it'll be available? o__O
seriously.. thought it was a simple fix
didn't think it'd take this long tbh @__@
Yeah.. My uncles and cousin (who's disabled :() have birthdays in September, and I wanted to buy it in honor of those 3 family members
Tune in next time when somebody makes another big petition for the September birthstone! Good evening! Or day, or whatever time zone you live in!
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