Hello everyone.
Hello everyone.
Good morning!
I can't figure out what line-up to use.... any ideas?
I'm slowly getting killed
Hey Alby hope your doing well, and what collectibles do you have?
A lot....
Happy Home Designer![]()
Blue Mote of Flame![]()
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10![]()
Collectible Correction x2![]()
Bell Correction![]()
Small Mailbox![]()
February Birthstone (Amethyst)![]()
May Birthstone (Emerald)![]()
June Birthstone (Pearl)![]()
July Birthstone (Ruby)![]()
August Birthstone (Peridot)![]()
Cake x2![]()
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party) x2![]()
Yellow Candy x5![]()
Red Candy![]()
Green Candy![]()
Pear (Fruit) x12![]()
Orange (Fruit) x14![]()
Cherry (Fruit) x4![]()
Peach (Fruit) x1![]()
Apple (Fruit) x1![]()
Dates are on my profile~
And yes, I hoard. Don't judge lol
Wow, I would be the same way if I could afford it!
Speaking of collectibles, teh Happy Home Designer one looks fantastic. I am glad I saved my TBT for new collectibles!
use a Revive or Max Revive if things get bad
A lot....
Happy Home Designer![]()
Blue Mote of Flame![]()
Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10![]()
Collectible Correction x2![]()
Bell Correction![]()
Small Mailbox![]()
February Birthstone (Amethyst)![]()
May Birthstone (Emerald)![]()
June Birthstone (Pearl)![]()
July Birthstone (Ruby)![]()
August Birthstone (Peridot)![]()
Cake x2![]()
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party) x2![]()
Yellow Candy x5![]()
Red Candy![]()
Green Candy![]()
Pear (Fruit) x12![]()
Orange (Fruit) x14![]()
Cherry (Fruit) x4![]()
Peach (Fruit) x1![]()
Apple (Fruit) x1![]()
Dates are on my profile~
And yes, I hoard. Don't judge lol
I want a popsicle to join ;-;
Doesn't everyone?
Have all the fruit on one lineup, trade if you have too, and put the candies cake and Popsicles on the bottom. To have a sweets vs fruit war!
I know right?
Looks awesome! Thanks!
XD I'll fix the orange later so it's to the right of the peach.
I want a popsicle to join ;-;
You don't necessarily need a Popsicle to join, you can ask to be on the freezing list. Read the op for more information~
- - - Post Merge - - -
No problem hope it helps!
You will have to work hard to turn the TBT you have into enough to buy a popsicle. When i started out, I was lucky to get the Apple Collectible in the shop for 199 TBT. I sold it for 2,400 TBT, and that is how I kept so much of it today. I spent 2200 on a popsicle just to join the group
If you work hard and invest your TBT wisely, you will rise up through the ranks![]()
I wonder how much the HHD collectible would be worth if you could gift it lol
It's the same price as the -->
Which goes for about 1k, so I would say probably from 1k-5k, since it's gonna be released only once.
Too bad they aren't giftable though, smh I don't know why they aren't. Pokeballs were giftable and were released as celebration of Pokemon X/Y/OR/AS, and TBT Beach Party were once ungiftable, so we have hope ;-;