Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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The popsicle song is so good!!! Nice Job Neester!

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Popsicles mostly but yeah everything so i can get something for profit ugh :(
Heh thanks. I did make two typos and fixed them as quick as I could. As for my rating

ITS OVER 9000!
Oooh!! That would be good for me but bad for you guys cause id be able to get a popsicle for cheap but it would make you guys less richer lol xP
Oooh!! That would be good for me but bad for you guys cause id be able to get a popsicle for cheap but it would make you guys less richer lol xP

yeah but the popsicles where only for the summer beach party, so i dont really think theyd be restocked but im really hoping they would! Id buy a ton and give them away to members who need them!
miharu-- thats pretty awesome that you guys get to be near each other often!! You guys are totally in love, and if i see you in person, you probably have that glow in your face ^^ yes calpico <33 I didnt know of existence until I went to tokyo town during freshmen year!!! Ialmost wish to buy calpico in bulks but I know that will be too much sugar ! need to go out for italian with my roomies brb! <33
it's even hard trying to find 1 decent one around now a days x3
Ugh ik they are going to go higher :( popsicles why do you hate me???

It's so sad.... I remember when I bought mine for 200 TBT. Not to mention everyone had one last year, and they were so boring and overpopular......
LOL I'm gonna keep it and wait till the inflation caps off and maybe sell it then, idk xD
It's so sad.... I remember when I bought mine for 200 TBT. Not to mention everyone had one last year, and they were so boring and overpopular......
LOL I'm gonna keep it and wait till the inflation caps off and maybe sell it then, idk xD

haha i hope the price does lower
Wow there`s now a team cake and team fruit, I wonder what?s next to come:D
Congrats to the raffle winner BluePikachu!
The popsicle song is so good!!! Nice Job Neester!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Popsicles mostly but yeah everything so i can get something for profit ugh :(
I hope they restock popsicles too!! But I don't think it's likely since it was suppose to be a one time summer thing ; A ;

Heh thanks. I did make two typos and fixed them as quick as I could. As for my rating

ITS OVER 9000!

but if they were restocked theyd lose their price! I just wish theyd restock the add ons!
I don't mind if popsicles lose their prices at all!! I just hope they get restocked so everyone else can get one as well hahah XD (I would pay almost any amount for a popsicle for myself ;D )

I see you guys are selling collectibles now! Ill take your orange~
WOO!~ Alright!! Just send me the tbt and I'll send you your orange! :D

miharu-- thats pretty awesome that you guys get to be near each other often!! You guys are totally in love, and if i see you in person, you probably have that glow in your face ^^ yes calpico <33 I didnt know of existence until I went to tokyo town during freshmen year!!! Ialmost wish to buy calpico in bulks but I know that will be too much sugar ! need to go out for italian with my roomies brb! <33
Yeah it is!!! ; v ; Oh gosh ahaha I buy those HUGE calpico bottles XD It's so big!! I also put it in the freezer for like 2-3 hours and it came out icy and almost like a slushie!! It was delcious!!!! <3 <3 Okay!! Have fun!! c:

it's even hard trying to find 1 decent one around now a days x3
It really is ; v ; Popsicles so pricey now ahahaha XD Used to be so cheap and easy to obtain ; v ;

It's so sad.... I remember when I bought mine for 200 TBT. Not to mention everyone had one last year, and they were so boring and overpopular......
LOL I'm gonna keep it and wait till the inflation caps off and maybe sell it then, idk xD
OH GOSH AHAHA if i was active during that time I would have bought as many as I could ahahaha XD

Wow there`s now a team cake and team fruit, I wonder what?s next to come:D
Congrats to the raffle winner BluePikachu!
There is!! Hahaha I know there's going to be a Team Swirl and Team Apple as well! XD
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