Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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It is on the roster on my original first post! :D

Lol I thought you meant you could do some magic to get my name to be teal! Its cool that its teal on the roster. here I was a day ago giving up on popsicle hope. then a wonderful person wanted 2 cakes for his popsicle~
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Lol I thought you meant you could do some magic to get my name to be teal! Its cool that its teal on the roster. here I was a day ago giving up on popsicle hope. then a wonderful person wanted 2 cakes for his popsicle~

Oh no ahaha as cool as that would be, no one but the mods could do that XD I saw!! It was BluePikachu47 right? :D
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News about our weekly event has now been revealed on the bottom section of my first post on the first page!! >//v/< The event isn't officially starting until Sunday! Please feel free to read through it! It took me a few days to actually think and come up with this fun event!! I hope you guys enjoy yourself!!! I thought instead of just donating, maybe you could do something fun while donating to Team Popsicle! ;D
Long live the Popsicles!!! <3 c:

✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- Yess
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]: Ardrey
I would like to be taken off the Popsicles in freezing I don't wanna join anymore as I can't buy a Popsicle but I would still love to be in the raffles.
Yeah the prices are just increasing by the minute ; v;
Long live the Popsicles!!! <3 c:
Yessss (≧∇≦)b


✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- Yess
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]: Ardrey
Yay!! I will add you in when im off work! (*?ω`*)

Oh, you took the emoji (╯_╰)
I'll change Team Cake's emoji
It wasn't the same as yours o: Also team popsicle has had an emoji when I first made it, I had to take it off since we didn't have room for more letters when I had a big update XD

I'm gonna miss popsicle smackin :/
It will be going on for a week though! O:

I am being offered 3k for my popsicle!
Did you sell it! Σ(゚Д゚)
I would like to be taken off the Popsicles in freezing I don't wanna join anymore as I can't buy a Popsicle but I would still love to be in the raffles.
You still have a chance in the raffles! Are you sure? o:
Yeah the prices are just increasing by the minute ; v;
They areee (?;ω;`)
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