Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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I need a apple holy lord, if I don't get one i'm gonna fall off a cliff. Apple is my first town fruit in WW/CF/and NL and it was all on first time, no resetting.
I can't read this!!! Lol! Boys... English. You're confusing me!!!

- - - Post Merge - - -

Anyone want to go work for me tonight? I really don't want to do a 6 hour shift on my broken toe. :(
oswaldies-- Oh my!!! I hear some people hate chocolate and they
have their reasons! What's yours? I just love chcocolate!

naekoya--heheh high five :D I prefer Pepepro over pocky too
the sig you made yourself is just adorable~
same here,i just need the green and blue candies
Ill look for chocolate cake at the very last

neester14-- whoa are you korean? or you learned korean?
either way, its been awhile since I read
something in my mother tongue
Im glad im not Slammint :p
remind me not to get on your bad side

DaCoSim-- I really hope you are healing well!

my favorite part of going to a market . . . the sweets section of course <3333

miharu--such a good activity!! gotta go get more tbt then >< the ideas cute!!
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ㅎㅎ 나는 한국 입니다. 그러나 대부분의 사람들은 중국어 나 한테 전화
Oh, oops ^^
Also I updated Team Cake completely so it looks much better now but I can't compere to yours ;w;
Hahaha it's cute!! I see you like our idea of using the collectible icon on the sides of the headers XD

Yeah but its 11:00 pm for me on a Sunday and I got school now

- - - Post Merge - - -

facepalms the planet
You're busy this entire week? O: It STARTS on Sunday, but doesn't end until Saturday. So you have Sunday night-Saturday morning to get your guesses in XD

I'll be a frozen popsicle ♥
I hope to be getting one soon n.n
Added!!! I hope you get one soon too! !>//v/<

I really like the design of the popsicle, the swirls don't appeal to me for some reason :p
Anyways, I'm working on slowly saving up my TBT to hopefully get one for 4k possibly, thats what the retail price is atleast for them.
SAMEEEE! I love the popsicle design so much better than the swirl XD OH OMG GOD!! Do they really go for 4k tbt now????


✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- Yep!
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]:Evvie
Added!!! <3


✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- You know it!
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]: Cadbberry

Added!! <3



✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- Yes
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]: AppleBitterCrumble

- - - Post Merge - - -

Yah thats a big bummer, I wish I had like 20k TBT bells like Witch xD goals.

Added!!! :D

Yep. Sign me up :)
HTML Code:

✧ Are you okay with being on the name list permanently (meaning in future "Who will get smacked with a popsicle" events, we can automatically use your username/nickname)?- [Y/N]
✧ Name you'll like to enter [It can be your username or your nickname ONLY]: DaCoSim

Added!! :D

mochi ice cream for me >w<

예수 그리스도 는 , 주위에 농담 을 중지
Neester, please speak in English XD I think there was a forum rule that stated you have to type/speak in english.

oswaldies-- Oh my!!! I hear some people hate chocolate and they
have their reasons! What's yours? I just love chcocolate!

naekoya--heheh high five :D I prefer Pepepro over pocky too
the sig you made yourself is just adorable~
same here,i just need the green and blue candies
Ill look for chocolate cake at the very last

neester14-- whoa are you korean? or you learned korean?
either way, its been awhile since I read
something in my mother tongue
Im glad im not Slammint :p
remind me not to get on your bad side

DaCoSim-- I really hope you are healing well!

my favorite part of going to a market . . . the sweets section of course <3333

miharu--such a good activity!! gotta go get more tbt then >< the ideas cute!!

Hehe I'm glad you think so!!! ;//v//;

Ay s?ii hablemos todos en otro idoma!
Please speak in english everyone! >//v/< I think there's a rule in the forums somewhere that says english only xD
neester14-- lol you speak in such formal terms!
Gregriii-sorry ^^ its cool to see other people use their native language. ahaha spanish is a wonderful language,so glad i learned it~

miharu-- i didnt know it was a rule!! ><

gotta go offline for the day but :p glad we have such a great thread! so many social butterflies <33
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neester14--하하하 말을 낮어도 될 것 같은데 :ㅇ
Gregriii-sorry ^^ its cool to see other people, ahaha spanish is a wonderful language~


And me no speak english

- - - Post Merge - - -

And I'e got a soccer game EVERY day: 8-10pm.
o: Wow, this group has grown a lot!
Good luck to everyone in the raffle!

:D Still proud to be a fellow member of Team Popsicle!!!
Hahaha it's cute!! I see you like our idea of using the collectible icon on the sides of the headers XD

You're busy this entire week? O: It STARTS on Sunday, but doesn't end until Saturday. So you have Sunday night-Saturday morning to get your guesses in XD

Added!!! I hope you get one soon too! !>//v/<

SAMEEEE! I love the popsicle design so much better than the swirl XD OH OMG GOD!! Do they really go for 4k tbt now????

Added!!! <3

Added!! <3

Added!!! :D

Added!! :D


Neester, please speak in English XD I think there was a forum rule that stated you have to type/speak in english.

Hehe I'm glad you think so!!! ;//v//;

Please speak in english everyone! >//v/< I think there's a rule in the forums somewhere that says english only xD

Woah so many quotes
neester14-- lol you speak in such formal terms!
Gregriii-sorry ^^ its cool to see other people use their native language. ahaha spanish is a wonderful language,so glad i learned it~

miharu-- i didnt know it was a rule!! ><

gotta go offline for the day but :p glad we have such a great thread! so many social butterflies <33
Haha I didn't put it as a rule on here, so no worries!! I think it's an actual rule by tbt (I'll double check on that for you guys once I'm off work ; v ; I might have the rules mixed up with another forum ahaha)


And me no speak english

- - - Post Merge - - -

And I'e got a soccer game EVERY day: 8-10pm.
You can't take a guess after 10pm? O:

o: Wow, this group has grown a lot!
Good luck to everyone in the raffle!

:D Still proud to be a fellow member of Team Popsicle!!!
Hehe I'm glad it has!! ; v ;
Yay!~ Glad to have you as a member <3

Woah so many quotes
LOL YEAHHH I'm on lunch break so trying to get back/catch up to most of you guys as I can ; v; <3 I'll be off work at 6pm PST time. Hahaha
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