Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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Beach is ugh :(

I agree!

The shops here are great! But its bad for the wallet ahah : ' >
what really!? noo make use of that beautiful water and soft sand, please !!

REALLY? i feel so bad for you, the beach is amazing!
i go there pretty much 30 times a year : o!!

Yeah it's a bit expensive there, but I love the restaurants! Had the best African restaurant there but it's gone now. :c
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ahah <3
have fun haha!! is he at sport or something?

ahahahahah you are fantastic!!

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stop it or you get decappitatedd <333 im merely just a jester
Well depends on the season ahha, not sure about Americas seasons and whatnot! How far away are you from the beach?

Decapitate me then. I'll be your servant until the day I die~ I would be proud to work for TBT's Art Queen

And 1,000's of miles I believe x'D There's no way I can drive to one, it'd be a day long trip if I wanted to
hurg vat is going on? This is what happens when you go 5 minutes 25 miles above speed limit and you STILL miss this much
No I had to pick him up from a friends house! And yes I love your art so I will gladly offer myself as a servant!
ooh nice! hey also, what age do you Americans start driving?
naw thanks dan!! when i have free time i'll draw you all a little something!
Hahah! ILY. ; v; <3 I can't compete with your skillz ~~

i love you too!
asafsghj no, you master~~~

ahah <3
have fun haha!! is he at sport or something?

ahahahahah you are fantastic!!

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stop it or you get decappitatedd <333 im merely just a jester
Well depends on the season ahha, not sure about Americas seasons and whatnot! How far away are you from the beach?

may I get hanged instead?? c:

ahahh i know i was being sarcastic-
have fun with all that jazz

oh okay phew! this is actually the first time i've visited this thread before, but yay i'm glad all you lovelies are in here~~
HAHA yeah it is pretty yum after you recover from being burnt internally!
WOO!~ And ohhh is it like a spicy good? Or like spicy spicy where the taste isn't good? XD

I have 4 domestic cats, 2 short hair and 2 long hair. :p

View attachment 144280

I'm in Sydney, as well! Sutherland Shire.
SO CUTTEEE OMG!!!!! ; v ;

Order up Jasmine! I'm going to menchies in about 2 minutes
Too late! I'm off work ahahaha

i love you too!
asafsghj no, you master~~~

pfft yeah right! all I do is put much of pics together.. while someone over here hand draws them like a real true Master ~~ <3
Decapitate me then. I'll be your servant until the day I die~ I would be proud to work for TBT's Art Queen

And 1,000's of miles I believe x'D There's no way I can drive to one, it'd be a day long trip if I wanted to

OK your decapitation will be held in 5mins!! Say goodbye to your family, write out your wills~

ouch! maybe treat yourself to a beach vacay next year! it'll be worth it!
I agree!

Yeah it's a bit expensive there, but I love the restaurants! Had the best African restaurant there but it's gone now. :c

ughh food is always great!
Oh i've never had african before? how was it?!

OK your decapitation will be held in 5mins!! Say goodbye to your family, write out your wills~

ouch! maybe treat yourself to a beach vacay next year! it'll be worth it!

ughh food is always great!
Oh i've never had african before? how was it?!

I want to be the executioner!!!

OK your decapitation will be held in 5mins!! Say goodbye to your family, write out your wills~

ouch! maybe treat yourself to a beach vacay next year! it'll be worth it!

ughh food is always great!
Oh i've never had african before? how was it?!

;o; You'll have to decapitate me while I'm asleep since it's getting too late here xD at least I won't feel any pain ~

And I plan on it in a year or two XD one of my friends lives near the beach so I was planning on giving her a surprise visit hehehe heh

ooh nice! hey also, what age do you Americans start driving?
naw thanks dan!! when i have free time i'll draw you all a little something!

i love you too!
asafsghj no, you master~~~

we start driving at age 16 but my dad was teaching me how to drive for next year..shhh it's not really legal but whatevs~ and art from you would be awesome! I'd love art from you! Can't wait
pfft yeah right! all I do is put much of pics together.. while someone over here hand draws them like a real true Master ~~ <3

WOO!~ And ohhh is it like a spicy good? Or like spicy spicy where the taste isn't good? XD
AHAHA maybe inbetween, a spicy spicy good!
its like 'OO YUM' 'JOKES MY EYES ARE BURNING' 'kill me please' 'yum! another!'
have fun at work!
may I get hanged instead?? c:

hmmm i don't know how to tie a noose, but i know how to swing an axe!
but if its your death wish, sure thing ahah <3

just kidding i would never kill you guys
Oh and Ava I read your vm it would be awesome to have you back in SHS we miss you a lot just say the word and your back in! We've had a couple of new members join too! One of them being Gregrii over there!

AHAHA maybe inbetween, a spicy spicy good!
its like 'OO YUM' 'JOKES MY EYES ARE BURNING' 'kill me please' 'yum! another!'
have fun at work!

hmmm i don't know how to tie a noose, but i know how to swing an axe!
but if its your death wish, sure thing ahah <3

just kidding i would never kill you guys
omg hey ava what's up!!
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I want to be the executioner!!!
AHAHAHHA!! if you want, up to the prisoner!
;o; You'll have to decapitate me while I'm asleep since it's getting too late here xD at least I won't feel any pain ~

And I plan on it in a year or two XD one of my friends lives near the beach so I was planning on giving her a surprise visit hehehe heh

okay okay tell me when you are sleeping and i'll fly over and chop your neck!!
yes good on you! you deserve to experience the wonder!!

we start driving at age 16 but my dad was teaching me how to drive for next year..shhh it's not really legal but whatevs~ and art from you would be awesome! I'd love art from you! Can't wait

ahah thought so, i was like "isn't dan like 15 so why is he driving" but makes sense ahah!
Nice! <i won't tell the cops don't worry!> you haven't been caught right? ahah!!

Q-Q <3

AHAHA maybe inbetween, a spicy spicy good!
its like 'OO YUM' 'JOKES MY EYES ARE BURNING' 'kill me please' 'yum! another!'
have fun at work!

hmmm i don't know how to tie a noose, but i know how to swing an axe!
but if its your death wish, sure thing ahah <3

just kidding i would never kill you guys

haha! man I love spicy food though.. especially in my pho ~ !! xD
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