I think tp should create a group via line or skype or whatever
*runs away cause everyone wants to shut up me*
Helloooooooooooo everyone!How are you today?
I think this is a good idea, but there is some people in TP that I dislike (you know who you are.) so I would end up chatting to people I don't want to D:
ufufufufufu //GLOOOM
I just got done eating two packs of ramen noodles, and I'm still hungry!! @v@<<
hello everyone! how are you today ? c:
How are you?! Omfg! I have to tell you something REEEEEALLY awesome!!!
I finally got Melba! If she ever moves out, I promise to let you have her! I might even make her move out just for you!! hnnnn <33
ufufufufufu //GLOOOM
I just got done eating two packs of ramen noodles, and I'm still hungry!! @v@<<
heey!!! ive been stressed haha, exams in 30 minutes and i'm still so confused ;_:GRAVYYY OMG HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?? And ahhh good luck with your exams!!! ; v;
*screams* YAAAASSSS CONGRATS!!! I'm doing great! but I am a little hungry after only having a few chips/fries/whatever you call them for dinner ;-; My mum got this pizza from somewhere and it was gross so I didn't eat it </3
heey!!! ive been stressed haha, exams in 30 minutes and i'm still so confused ;_:
MayorEvvie: You can always just avoid the people you don't appreciate talking to.You're not obliged to talk to everyone here, haha.
I also don't want them to see me or attempt to contact me.
It's best to ignore those people, they're just gonna be a toxic influence on you (':
Haters gonna hate. There are people who love you on here, and it's best you stick to them.
Bring a pi?ata to class.