Team Popsicle! ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

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I have 429mil XD

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lizzy541--I love coldstone!! in fact i might even go there today!
I like online shopping for certain things, but not really good with shopping
online for clothes T.T
naekoya--the sig is so pretty
hot coco's the best when its raining outside!
neester14--soccer!!!! its so funnn to play!!!
hmm its hard to taste the wasabi unlesss I eat
a whole bunch of it!
peoyne--are you a foodie too? :D so many people are tired of
rice T.T I love rice! such a cute game~
AppleBitterCrumble--yeah the refurbished kiddie series is cute
I've seen so many of them when I go dream address visiting
Fantasyrick--awesome! have fun with your giveaway!
misspiggy95--hii! I like your username
D3athsDopplegangger--Congrats D3athsDopplegangger
OreoTerror- you like the storm?! >< im with your cats on this one!
awwwwwwwww your cats are adorable!!

I used to live next to the beach too! but... you dont go often ^^?
you should try surfing, its very fun and good exercise!!
learn to swim maybe?
Lucanosa--never been to the beach?! the beach is amazinggggg!
especially if you go in the morning around 7am-10am or at 6pm in the evening.
I like going in the morning because the tides are nice for surfing. the sand is
cool and soft, so i used to take my ex-best friend every morning to walk on the
sand barefoot. She had flat feet so walking bare foot would help.I pretty much
go to the beach every weekend because i love it so much! at night time, you
can hold an awesome bonfire with a bunch of friends (bonfire food <33) and watch
the sunset! Its totally worth going to the beach, especially if its hot since the beach
water will be super cold & refreshing! Its pretty soothing to hear the sounds of the
wave in the morning while lying down on the sand! The only con of going to beach
(which is why many of friends "arent a beach person" & dont like going to beach) is
getting sand on your body/car.You gotta rinse really well when you shower.

miharu--im not sure about norcal, but id say socal really doesnt have a "winter". they say this fall, we will be getting a bunch of rain but who knows? If you live in a house up in norcal, and are one of those houses that do not turn on the heater, its pretty cold apparently : x
Have you tried coco ichiban or is there one in norcal? Man they have spice level up to 10!
I tried 5 and called quits. Normally get level 1 or mild! you will love indian food, it
is one of the spiciest thing on this planet!
I wish we can choose to keep our dreamies forever in our town! every time they ping me,
my heart breaks just a bit</3

lol splatoon, my roomies have been wanting me to buy that game.
maybe I will : p
If you buy it vm me cause I have that game ^^
g u m m i--hmm well yeah its sad that she's not my best friend anymore! we were almost like sisters but ever since college, she changed a lot. I also got to live with her as roomies but yes she changed a lot. We didnt really share running together. I was more into swim than cross country and i didnt have time to do cross country (long practice hours). she clashed with my other roomies during the year but once she bailed out on a dinner night i have been planning months in advance, it was the last straw. Lots of things happened but yeah that was it. We still talk every now and then. We are not on bad terms anymore but i do miss being best friends sometimes.

Fantasyrick--yeah I will definitely vm you!
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do you exercise? I know your toe was broken, but before? maybe warm milk at night would help? theres also the relaxing calm bathing soap (the aroma helps to go to bed) you can buy at a store called Basin, not sure if they have one over there.
Yeah I do exercise, honestly it's mostly due to the fact that I've moved into a new house. Whenever I'm in a new environment I don't usually sleep. :c I'm scared of baths so yeah LMAO thank you for the suggestion, though!
Can I join the weekly event?

omg school starts tomorrow :(
oh >< sorry to hear that, yeah several of my friends are like you. How about wearing a night mask, make sure its completely dark in the room (since the light can keep the eyes active), and hopefully its quiet when you sleep!
i was too busy trying to make a flash dress up game.. and it slightly worked!
took me ages to understand what to do but finally i got the game up!
its pretty crappy, pixelly and doesnt even load up fully but--

anyone wanna check it out?
AHHH AVA THAT IS SO CUTEEE!!! ;//v//; I can't wait to see the full version!!! >//v//< I love the cute idea!! ;//v//; Ahhh <3

Thanks Miharu for asking, surprisingly my foot didn't bleed/break/or bruise. And like the plate broke in half, a clean cut, so maybe i'm like the Karate Kid in disguise? Lol idk.
No problem at all!! ; v ; And thank god!! I'm so glad you are okay!!! I thought for sure you started to bleed ; A ;

Ahh okie I'm trying to get to get to my 1000th post as Ima do a giveaway when I reach it
CONGRATS on your 1k post!!! :D

miharu--im not sure about norcal, but id say socal really doesnt have a "winter". they say this fall, we will be getting a bunch of rain but who knows? If you live in a house up in norcal, and are one of those houses that do not turn on the heater, its pretty cold apparently : x
Have you tried coco ichiban or is there one in norcal? Man they have spice level up to 10!
I tried 5 and called quits. Normally get level 1 or mild! you will love indian food, it
is one of the spiciest thing on this planet!
I wish we can choose to keep our dreamies forever in our town! every time they ping me,
my heart breaks just a bit</3

lol splatoon, my roomies have been wanting me to buy that game.
maybe I will : p
OHH No I haven't yet!! I don't live in the Bay, the city I live in doesn't have coco ichiban or any other good places I like ; v ; LOL!! Omg that sounds so yummy!!! Ahhh

Please may you add me to the 'People looking for Popsicles' roster?
I'll have jacob add you once he's back on! c:

Can I join the weekly event?

omg school starts tomorrow :(
Of course you can! > v < The weekly event will be officially starting in about 7 hours!~
Lucanosa--never been to the beach?! the beach is amazinggggg!
especially if you go in the morning around 7am-10am or at 6pm in the evening.
I like going in the morning because the tides are nice for surfing. the sand is
cool and soft, so i used to take my ex-best friend every morning to walk on the
sand barefoot. She had flat feet so walking bare foot would help.I pretty much
go to the beach every weekend because i love it so much! at night time, you
can hold an awesome bonfire with a bunch of friends (bonfire food <33) and watch
the sunset! Its totally worth going to the beach, especially if its hot since the beach
water will be super cold & refreshing! Its pretty soothing to hear the sounds of the
wave in the morning while lying down on the sand! The only con of going to beach
(which is why many of friends "arent a beach person" & dont like going to beach) is
getting sand on your body/car.You gotta rinse really well when you shower.

o: Wow that sounds awesome! I'm definitely gonna start saving up for a road trip one of these years~
c`:< Maybe surprise my best friend while I'm there too haha
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