Tell me about your SO/partner

He’s alright. He’s been fun to work with since joining the force, but he has his issues. One time we were in a situation where there was a lot of danger involved and he didn’t know what to do, so I had to go in and bail him and everyone else out. He’s reckless a lot of the time, charging in without thinking, but I know he’s just trying to do what’s right for this city.

Oh wait. You mean “partner” as in a romantic partner. No, I don’t have a romantic partner.
*points at my user title* I have no SO/partner of any sort.

Years ago I had someone really special in my life, she was a great friend and at one point girlfriend. We both played the bassoon, nerded out about video games and anime, etc. But that's all over now. The friendship, too, unfortunately. I'm happy she came into my life, but wish somehow we could have stayed friends...

By the time that was all completely over it had been eight years of inexperience dating and now here I am (except it's eleven years now lol). I realize my personality is unattractive, but beyond that my life is a big mess. It is what it is. My unattractive personality keeps me from bringing people into my messed up life. So it all works out. lol
I love love and I love reading everyone's responses here! I hope you guys are always happy with your partners. :)
He?s alright. He?s been fun to work with since joining the force, but he has his issues. One time we were in a situation where there was a lot of danger involved and he didn?t know what to do, so I had to go in and bail him and everyone else out. He?s reckless a lot of the time, charging in without thinking, but I know he?s just trying to do what?s right for this city.

Oh wait. You mean ?partner? as in a romantic partner. No, I don?t have a romantic partner.

For some reason I thought of Halo 3 ODST Campaign mode. Sounds similar. Or maybe even Halo 4 Campaign mode.

By the time that was all completely over it had been eight years of inexperience dating and now here I am (except it's eleven years now lol). I realize my personality is unattractive...

Relate, it's part in my personality that I find it hard to date people. The only example of this I have is that one time I had a boyfriend, he would do things that he probably didn't mean to rub in people's faces, but it reallly looked like he was. Lots of little things he did would annoy the heck out of me but I never spoke up about it. It took me maybe 2 weeks or less to realize that I'm not a dating person. I would like to try dating again now that I'm an adult but I certainly don't wanna try again with a guy.
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I?ve been with my girlfriend for almost 3 months official, though we have talked a bit before that. She is truly amazing and I love her so much! We are very similar in taste and personality. She is so sweet and protective! And we talk often and talk about our feelings and how we are doing. We communicate well and never really argue or anything we only get upset if we worry for each other about things. So our relationship goes smooth and we have great love! We will be moving in together here soon. I can?t wait I would do anything for her and can?t wait to spend all my time with her. She truly is my better half, even if she says the same of me!
My boyfriend and I have been officially together roughly 2 and a half years.
He is the light of my life and I don?t know what I?d do without him, honestly. He?s so caring and sweet to me, when I was having some serious health issues earlier this year he took so much time out of his day to help me and get me through it. He is so supportive of everything and he always wants me to be happy.
One thing I love about our relationship is how much we?ve grown together. A year ago, we fought about every little thing and I didn?t think we were going to work out. Now, we?ve learned from our mistakes and when we have a disagreement it never gets out of hand because we listen to each other. I couldn?t imagine anything coming between us. <3
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I've only been dating him for a few months but he is very nurturing and sweet. He has 3 cats he feeds better than himself XD. Which is great cuz I am also a cat person. He is 33 and I'm 21. He had a bad past due to toxic parents, his mother was a heavy drug user but despite that he doesn't like to drink, smoke or do drugs himself. As someone with an alcoholic parent I'm pretty much the same way except I don't mind some social drinking or smoking. And he is covered in tattoos (which I find attractive) so he might look intimidating to some people but he is actually one of the most docile and caring humans I know. Even used to be vegan. He currently works as a coffee consultant/barista but in the past he did construction work. And he used to be pretty into cars and he has a Harley-Davidson motorcycle. We both have a sweet tooth. I love when he buys me snacks or when he cooks for me or helps me out with doing stuff that my mental illness has prevented me from doing. He is helping me find a therapist to talk to. one time he even caught my crying in bed and ran me a bath and carried me to it despite me insisting through sniffles that I'll crush him cuz of my weight... LOL. I've never dated someone so caring and kind towards me, I've had some stormy relationships in the past, one abusive one too. I am very grateful to know him and I hope we can continue to get to better understand and know each other.
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He's one of the best people I know. When we were just friends, he was kind and respectful---even more so when we started dating. Opposites attract in my case since I can be really analytical n serious but goofy at times while he can "go with the flow" and lives in the moment more than me.

Plus, my family likes him and his family likes me.

I'm happy. c:
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my boyfriend (soupysea on here!! :blush:) is the best ever :lemon: we've known each other our wholes lives, dating for almost 3 years now!! we have so much in common, not only our interests but a lot of personality traits :lemon: we balance each other out without being tooo similar!!! he's the best guy ever and he's so sweet and nice and caring and the best!!!! we're long distance so i don't see him as often as i'd like, but i can't wait for the day we get to be together :lemon:
my girlfriend is the person who commented above me (bbritney if anyone else ends up commenting before i finish this) and shes the best :) we met when we were babies still in diapers cause our parents are best friends and we kinda grew up together!! but were always too nervous to speak much, then we spent the summer together and we started dating!! and now three years later we're doing so great and i love her!! sadly we live in different states due to moving around but we're gonna see each other in two weeks woo!!!!
i love my boyfriend SO much <3 he is the most perfect human being i have ever met in my 26 years on this earth. such a special person <3

there literally is no words to describe what he means to me and how i envision him.

i met him online when i was 13 & he was 16 bc we both played on this popular server for this online star wars game. he was always such a wonderful friend to me and we always kept in touch despite all of life's crazy moments. got extremely close in our twenties and fell in love. flew to him and made it official. we are long distant still because we have to finish grad school, but once we are done we plan on getting married :'-)

so bLeSsEd
my boyfriend is really cute and we have a lot in common!! yesterday we went on a walk through the city that ended up lasting like 4 hours and i didn't even notice the time passing.