Finished your order, check the bottom of the first post.
wow that was really fast! i have your items ready, so just lmk whenever you want me to pickup / dropoff
thank you again!! i love the art- you're really talented!!!!
Finished your order, check the bottom of the first post.
wow that was really fast! i have your items ready, so just lmk whenever you want me to pickup / dropoff
thank you again!! i love the art- you're really talented!!!!
Check here for what I can offer (the list of RV and amiibo count):!-CLOSED!&highlight=
^ Not sure if you missed seeing this
(ノ▽〃) Thank you.
You can drop off rn, i'll leave my gates open!!
Done, bottom of first post!//
hiya! if ud be down to draw my persona [x] i can offer you up to 60 items of your choice!
I have anything you need
preferred style: 2
FC: 4270-0744-5869 (sidebar)
Offer: up to any 60 items and igb if wanted
what up sunnie
Of course! c:
Thank you, looking forward to it~
Also you can just like my post or something whenever youre finished, that should be enough for me to check back c:
take your time~
The angel called hyoon has provided me w/ a lifetime supply of cake!!