(Temp closed) Seviper Curry'n Draw 🍛 Pokemon art stand!

. Rarity .

Eighteen 🌌💎
Oct 14, 2020
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
Crystal Reindeer
100% (117) +
🍛Interested in some delisious curry? Well how about a drawing on the side!




I love drawing these Pokemon Landscapes, which are of a trainer, and their team. I thought it would be fun to put the option out there to draw these kinda things for people:

With a little twist of course~
Well first of all lets get to the trainer, or your choice of character! This can be anything from a fictional character, oc, villager, pretty much anyone who is mainly human.

There is an option to have more then one character, however those come at a price, and there is only a maximum of six trainers/characters.

when your picking your characters, tell me a personality they have, and a quick run down, its pretty important later on :)

Now we're onto the second most important part, and thats where the Pokemon come in. Which are a bit more complex

-You have a choice of six trainer Pokemon, of course, these are the Pokemon that will interact with your character/s in the drawing. You can't have more then six, even if you pick more then one character.

-Then we have the choosen wild Pokemon, and these are just background Pokemon that add character to the drawing, you can choose up to four. Wild pokemon do cost a little extra to have

-Along with the wild Pokemon, theres a part that affects the surprise bit. Which is my option to add random wild Pokemon in the background of my choice. If you don't want these, you can just say no :)

The next part to touch on is the style of your drawing. Which there is a close up style, and a faraway style, the styles are the same price eitherway.

Here's an example of a close up style. This is a vividly easier one to see your Pokemon, esspecially the smaller ones. The back ground doesn't have as much detail as the second option. I reccomend using this style for smaller Pokemon. If you have a caterpie, this one might be ideal to see it better.

The second example, is the faraway style, this one has more detail in the far background, and more of a lanscape format. A good choice if you have big Pokemon. Smaller ones are a bit more difficult to see with this one

But I'll make sure you can still see your little buddy regardless of which style you choose.


The final part is picking your location for your drawing, and it can be anywhere in the Pokemon world. I will not be drawning real life worlds,

simply post a picture, or tell me where you would like to have your drawing done.

must be some where with in the Pokemon sphere, even if you simply just want, route. After that I decide on the pose, and all the rest of those small and exciting details.

This is also why your character's personality is important, unless you have an ideal one. But knowing their personality makes it easier for me to think of a suitable pose for them.

That's about it for information! Lets get onto the prices!

*Spicey Applin Curry*

Applin really like this flavor
this Curry allows a single Pokemon with your character

price 5 tbt


*Double Dipped Doduo Curry*
doduo find this flavor delightful!

this curry allows two Pokemon along with a single character.

Price: 10 TBT

*Tripple Topped Tailow Curry*
Tailow love to peck on this curry.

This curry allows three Pokemon, along with a single character.

Price: 15 TBT


*Fruity Furret Curry*
Furret love this curry.

this Curry allows four Pokemon with a single character.

Price: 20 TBT


*Coco Coconut Cufunt Curry*
Cufunt adore this curry. It makes them more cute then they already are.

This Curry allows up to five Pokemon, and one character.

Price: 25 TBT


*Savery Skitty Supreme Curry*
Delectable curry Skitty love.

This Curry allows six Pokemon, and one character.

Price: 30 TBT.


Seviper Surprise Curry

Ah yes, the most interesting, and delisious curry we have. You wanna have a complete surprise drawing? Well you can!

with this hefty Curry, you pick your character, and I pick everything else. I'll randomize a team for your character, include four random wild Pokemon, and pick the location! But I'll include a few other surprises too!

Seviper likes being apart of surprises

Price: 50 TBT


Now were onto where all the extra options come in, and the extra characters!

*Eevee Extras*

One Eevee equals one extra character you can have in the piece. Up to five Eevee are avalible.

(If you choose to have an Eevee, then you must tell me how many, who your characters are, and of course, appearances. Ypu can not have Eevee in the Seviper surprise.))

Price: 5 TBT each.



*Wild Weedle*

The Weedles serve as the option to have wild Pokemon in the background of your choice. Theres up to four Weedle avalible.

(If you choose to have a weedle, please tell me which Pokemon you want. You cant have a Weedle for the Seviper Surprise)

Price: 10 TBT

I hope you enjoy your piece, and now here's the form for you to fill out :) I look forward to drawing for you.
Curry flavor:





Can I draw random background Pokemon:

Eevee Extras?:

Wild Weedle?:

Other details (if you have any):


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It was honestly just super hard to decide which Pokémon to choose, because I‘m quite attached to more than my “main 6”! Even though I love Legends Arceus at the moment, my favourite character design is from Sword! 😊 Please let me know what the total cost is, just in case I get it wrong! ❤️❤️

Curry flavor:
Fruity Furret Curry






I’m sure you don‘t need references for what Pokémon look like, but I’m including my nidorina anyway, because I love her so much!



Anywhere with green grass is fine! 😊

Whichever you think is better!

Can I draw random background Pokemon:
No thank you!

Eevee Extras?:

Wild Weedle?:

Other details (if you have any):
Hopefully I filled this out correctly! Please let me know if you’d rather not draw any of those Pokémon and I can choose someone different! 😊

Please let me know!
It was honestly just super hard to decide which Pokémon to choose, because I‘m quite attached to more than my “main 6”! Even though I love Legends Arceus at the moment, my favourite character design is from Sword! 😊 Please let me know what the total cost is, just in case I get it wrong! ❤️❤️

Curry flavor:
Fruity Furret Curry




I’m sure you don‘t need references for what Pokémon look like, but I’m including my nidorina anyway, because I love her so much!

Anywhere with green grass is fine! 😊

Whichever you think is better!

Can I draw random background Pokemon:
No thank you!

Eevee Extras?:

Wild Weedle?:

Other details (if you have any):
Hopefully I filled this out correctly! Please let me know if you’d rather not draw any of those Pokémon and I can choose someone different! 😊

Please let me know!
Oh I'll happily draw her and her mates for you, I love nidorina lol💜

Since theres no extras, just 20 TBT :) I'll get started on this as soon as I can!

Sorry about not noticing this till today! I had to do a few things
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I'd like to request a couple of drawings, please!

Curry flavor: Skitty Curry, the kind that lets me have a trainer and six Pokémon
Character: my trainer from Pokémon X, reference included below, she'll just be having a peaceful walk with her Pokémon, enjoying the nice autumn day
Pokémon: Lucario, Dewott, Spoink, Cinccino, Leafeon, and Rockruff
Location: the road to the Bell Tower in Johto, with the beautiful autumn leaves on the trees
Style: close up
Can I draw random background Pokemon: No, thank you
Eevee Extras?: No, thank you
Wild Weedle?: No, thank you
Other details (if you have any): Lucario is my favorite Pokémon, so my trainer might be walking closest to it, with the others all around looking at the leaves or playing or walking or whatever
Total: 30TBT, unless I'm mistaken about something, there's a lot to this ^o^;>

My trainer in Pokémon X:
Pokémon X - Kira 3:2019 3.jpg

You can leave off the bracelet, I never use Mega Evolution anyway. XD

Curry flavor: ???
Character: Looker
Pokémon: none, explanation below
Location: Pokémon Village in Kalos, which is a clearing in a forest with yellow flowers and grass, and a cave
Style: faraway
Can I draw random background Pokemon: No, thank you
Eevee Extras?: No, thank you
Wild Weedle?: Pachirisu and Sawsbuck (summer form) looking at Looker warily from the shelter of the trees or the grass or tall flowers, hidden from him, and Mewtwo, watching suspiciously from the shadows of the cave in the background
Other details (if you have any): This is a scene from a story I made up about Looker. He has amnesia in ORAS, and I thought that maybe he could cure it by finding Mewtwo in the Pokémon Village, since Mewtwo has psychic powers and can maybe restore lost memories, and both games are Gen VI. So Looker wanders in, looking around curiously, not knowing that the Pokémon who live there--who are suspicious of humans--are looking back at him.
Total: not sure how much this should cost, since Looker doesn't actually have any Pokémon of his own, would it be 30TBT because of the three wild Pokémon?

Please let me know if you need me to answer any questions or anything. If you would rather I do one request at a time, then please do whichever one you are most interested in drawing first, and I can make the second request after that one is done. And I'm getting an idea for a third one already that I'll probably ask you to draw if you're still willing to draw more for me. This is such a fun idea! ^_^
I'd like to request a couple of drawings, please!

Curry flavor: Skitty Curry, the kind that lets me have a trainer and six Pokémon
Character: my trainer from Pokémon X, reference included below, she'll just be having a peaceful walk with her Pokémon, enjoying the nice autumn day
Pokémon: Lucario, Dewott, Spoink, Cinccino, Leafeon, and Rockruff
Location: the road to the Bell Tower in Johto, with the beautiful autumn leaves on the trees
Style: close up
Can I draw random background Pokemon: No, thank you
Eevee Extras?: No, thank you
Wild Weedle?: No, thank you
Other details (if you have any): Lucario is my favorite Pokémon, so my trainer might be walking closest to it, with the others all around looking at the leaves or playing or walking or whatever
Total: 30TBT, unless I'm mistaken about something, there's a lot to this ^o^;>

My trainer in Pokémon X: View attachment 431121
You can leave off the bracelet, I never use Mega Evolution anyway. XD

Curry flavor: ???
Character: Looker
Pokémon: none, explanation below
Location: Pokémon Village in Kalos, which is a clearing in a forest with yellow flowers and grass, and a cave
Style: faraway
Can I draw random background Pokemon: No, thank you
Eevee Extras?: No, thank you
Wild Weedle?: Pachirisu and Sawsbuck (summer form) looking at Looker warily from the shelter of the trees or the grass or tall flowers, hidden from him, and Mewtwo, watching suspiciously from the shadows of the cave in the background
Other details (if you have any): This is a scene from a story I made up about Looker. He has amnesia in ORAS, and I thought that maybe he could cure it by finding Mewtwo in the Pokémon Village, since Mewtwo has psychic powers and can maybe restore lost memories, and both games are Gen VI. So Looker wanders in, looking around curiously, not knowing that the Pokémon who live there--who are suspicious of humans--are looking back at him.
Total: not sure how much this should cost, since Looker doesn't actually have any Pokémon of his own, would it be 30TBT because of the three wild Pokémon?

Please let me know if you need me to answer any questions or anything. If you would rather I do one request at a time, then please do whichever one you are most interested in drawing first, and I can make the second request after that one is done. And I'm getting an idea for a third one already that I'll probably ask you to draw if you're still willing to draw more for me. This is such a fun idea! ^_^
Haha, Im glad you like it, these are fun, and I draw them often. Its tradition to draw one of my team after I finished a game.

These both sound like they will be really fun to draw! I have so much art of the bell tower. its such a pretty place! I'll be sure to have Lucario beside you :)

I love drawing Leafeon, one of my favorite Eeveelutions

Yes 30 TBT, since you dont have the extras
The second one sounds very cool! That whole story does as well. I remember Looker from Platnum, I was always curious about his character. I'll have to look up that area!

Yep, 3 Weedle for 30 tbt!

I'm fine with doing any drawing as long as it has Pokemon, and a character. So thats why I made the weedle a bit more pricey ^^ Also because they are a bit more difficult, but having a specific postion like this won't make it as long as it usually would!

I'll get started on both once Im finished with the current one! Then I'll get right onto these two! Feel free to request as many as you want, no need to wait.
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Looks like the sun's gone down, and its been a long day of training, and walking. While there is a lovely hotel, with expensive goods, and a nice view.

Well, why not have a lovely night under the stars with your mate's instead?

Nidorina had a long day of protecting her trainer from unrully Swilirlx, and Stuffle. Now she's tuckered, and relaxed. But wants to sleep next to her trainer, in case those Swirlix return

Ivysaur and Dragapult are the oposite, and are full of energy happily playing. While Mawile was playing, and now just looks hungry, but maybe will want to join in, and play as well.

My oh my, was this alot of fun to do!

Hopefully this counts as somewhere with green grass, as soon as you said Sword, my mind went right to camping! Because it's possibly my favorite part of the game.

I really hope dragapult looks good, I really tried my best with him, so let me know if you want me to redo him. I saw he had little ctitters in him, but also saw he sometimes didn't have them, so I didn't draw them.

You seemed to love Nidorina the most, so I wanted to put her close to you 💜

I was gonna have Mawile sleeping, but then decided to instead have them asking for a meal, because my Pokemon do that all the time, where I'll be playing with two, then one will run up and tell me to feed them lol

I knew I wanted to add Ivysaur playing, and I like how he turned out.

I hope you like how your girl looks, she's so cute. I had her hat on the ground beside her, but Nidorina covered it up.
Enjoy your Fruity Furret Curry!

Let me know if you want me to edit anything ❤
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Looks like the sun's gone down, and its been a long day of training, and walking. While there is a lovely hotel, with expensive goods, and a nice view.

Well, why not have a lovely night under the stars with your mate's instead?

Nidorina had a long day of protecting her trainer from unrully Swilirlx, and Stuffle. Now she's tuckered, and relaxed. But wants to sleep next to her trainer, in case those Swirlix return

Ivysaur and Dragapult are the oposite, and are full of energy happily playing. While Mawile was playing, and now just looks hungry, or but, maybe will want to join in, and play as well.
View attachment 431163
My oh my, was this alot of fun to do!

Hopefully this counts as somewhere with green grass, as soon as you said Sword, my mind went right to camping! Because it's possibly my favorite part of the game.

I really hope dragapult looks good, I really tried my best with him, so let me know if you want me to redo him. I saw he had little ctitters in him, but also saw he sometimes didn't have them, so I didn't draw them.

You seemed to love Nidorina the most, so I wanted to put her close to you 💜

I was gonna have Mawile sleeping, but then decided to instead have them asking for a meal, because my Pokemon do that all the time, where I'll be playing with two, then one will run up and tell me to feed them lol

I knew I wanted to add Ivysaur playing, and I like how he turned out.

I hope you like how your girl looks, she's so cute. I had her hat on the ground beside her, but Nidorina covered it up.
Anyway enjoy! Your Fruity Furret Curry!

Let me know if you want me to edit anything ❤
View attachment 431170
Aaaaaa, I love it so much! 😭❤❤❤

I love that my nidorina is sleeping next to me. 🥺💖 Camping is something I absolutely love in Sw/Sh too! So cute to be able to interact with your Pokémon so much.

Everything looks amazing, I love it so much. Thank you so much! 💖💖💖💖
Aaaaaa, I love it so much! 😭❤❤❤

I love that my nidorina is sleeping next to me. 🥺💖 Camping is something I absolutely love in Sw/Sh too! So cute to be able to interact with your Pokémon so much.

Everything looks amazing, I love it so much. Thank you so much! 💖💖💖💖
Oh Im so happy ypu like it! Sorry the background doesnt look that great? But Im happy you do!
I'd like to request a couple of drawings, please!

Curry flavor: Skitty Curry, the kind that lets me have a trainer and six Pokémon
Character: my trainer from Pokémon X, reference included below, she'll just be having a peaceful walk with her Pokémon, enjoying the nice autumn day
Pokémon: Lucario, Dewott, Spoink, Cinccino, Leafeon, and Rockruff
Location: the road to the Bell Tower in Johto, with the beautiful autumn leaves on the trees
Style: close up
Can I draw random background Pokemon: No, thank you
Eevee Extras?: No, thank you
Wild Weedle?: No, thank you
Other details (if you have any): Lucario is my favorite Pokémon, so my trainer might be walking closest to it, with the others all around looking at the leaves or playing or walking or whatever
Total: 30TBT, unless I'm mistaken about something, there's a lot to this ^o^;>

My trainer in Pokémon X: View attachment 431121
You can leave off the bracelet, I never use Mega Evolution anyway. XD

Curry flavor: ???
Character: Looker
Pokémon: none, explanation below
Location: Pokémon Village in Kalos, which is a clearing in a forest with yellow flowers and grass, and a cave
Style: faraway
Can I draw random background Pokemon: No, thank you
Eevee Extras?: No, thank you
Wild Weedle?: Pachirisu and Sawsbuck (summer form) looking at Looker warily from the shelter of the trees or the grass or tall flowers, hidden from him, and Mewtwo, watching suspiciously from the shadows of the cave in the background
Other details (if you have any): This is a scene from a story I made up about Looker. He has amnesia in ORAS, and I thought that maybe he could cure it by finding Mewtwo in the Pokémon Village, since Mewtwo has psychic powers and can maybe restore lost memories, and both games are Gen VI. So Looker wanders in, looking around curiously, not knowing that the Pokémon who live there--who are suspicious of humans--are looking back at him.
Total: not sure how much this should cost, since Looker doesn't actually have any Pokémon of his own, would it be 30TBT because of the three wild Pokémon?

Please let me know if you need me to answer any questions or anything. If you would rather I do one request at a time, then please do whichever one you are most interested in drawing first, and I can make the second request after that one is done. And I'm getting an idea for a third one already that I'll probably ask you to draw if you're still willing to draw more for me. This is such a fun idea! ^_^
Quick question, do you want the tower in the picture? Or only the way there? I have two ideas im just wondering if you want the tower in it, or not
I remember Looker from Platnum, I was always curious about his character. I'll have to look up that area!
Ooh, if you haven't played Pokémon X/Y, it's really good! And there's a big post-story sidequest in it with Looker which is the reason that I wound up really liking him! I can find images or videos of the Pokémon Village in Kalos if you need them.

do you want the tower in the picture? Or only the way there?
I mostly wanted the trees, but if you have an idea to work the tower in, then that sounds really nice, thank you!

Here's my third request!

Curry flavor: Taillow Curry, the one with one trainer and three Pokémon
Character: my trainer from Shield
Pokémon: Inteleon, Galarian Ponyta, shiny Wooloo
Location: in front of the player's house in Postwick in Galar from Pokémon Sword/Shield
Style: close up
Can I draw random background Pokemon: No, thank you
Eevee Extras?: No, thank you
Wild Weedle?: some non-shiny Wooloo off to the side, two of them is probably good
Other details (if you have any): I'm picturing my trainer is coming home after going on her big adventure, and she's happy to be home
Total: 25TBT, I think. Taillow Curry is 15, and wild Pokémon are 10 each. Or if the wild Pokémon price is by individual Pokémon rather than by species, then the total would be 35TBT, I think. Let me know which is correct, and I'll happily pay it. :)

House in Postwick.jpg

I would totally live in a house like this if I could. ^_^

My Shield trainer.
Shield Trainer Front.jpg

And you probably don't need a reference for shiny Wooloo, but I'm so proud of the one that I caught, I just wanted to share. 🥲
Wooloo 4.jpg

Thank you again! ^_^
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Ooh, if you haven't played Pokémon X/Y, it's really good! And there's a big post-story sidequest in it with Looker which is the reason that I wound up really liking him! I can find images or videos of the Pokémon Village in Kalos if you need them.

I mostly wanted the trees, but if you have an idea to work the tower in, then that sounds really nice, thank you!

Here's my third request!

Curry flavor: Taillow Curry, the one with one trainer and three Pokémon
Character: my trainer from Shield
Pokémon: Inteleon, Galarian Ponyta, shiny Wooloo
Location: in front of the player's house in Postwick in Galar from Pokémon Sword/Shield
Style: close up
Can I draw random background Pokemon: No, thank you
Eevee Extras?: No, thank you
Wild Weedle?: some non-shiny Wooloo off to the side, two of them is probably good
Other details (if you have any): I'm picturing my training is coming home after going on her big adventure, and she's happy to be home
Total: 25TBT, I think. Taillow Curry is 15, and wild Pokémon are 10 each. Or if the wild Pokémon price is by individual Pokémon rather than by species, then the total would be 35TBT, I think. Let me know which is correct, and I'll happily pay it. :)

View attachment 431176
I would totally live in a house like this if I could. ^_^

My Shield trainer.View attachment 431177

And you probably don't need a reference for shiny Wooloo, but I'm so proud of the one that I caught, I just wanted to share. 🥲
View attachment 431178

Thank you again! ^_^
Oh hes in Y??? Wow I completely forgot that, or maybe didnt do that mission? That one's my favorite game, I'll go visit Pokemon village on there to get an idea ^^ Im really excited for both,

Yes I would absolutely live in that house, its so beautiful, and I love the outside of it. I'll happily draw those ones, that shiny wooloo is so cute! If you want the two little Budew in it, I wont charge since they're part of the house

It would be 35, because there's two individual wild Pokemon, and they cost 10 for each one
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Yeah, Looker's whole sidequest is actually pretty hidden and easy to miss. He's in a building in Lumiose City after you beat the main story, and talking to him will launch this whole huge side story with him. It's between North Boulevard and Rouge Plaza. I think maybe the taxi will take you there, too, but I don't remember at the moment. ^o^;>

I'll send you the TBT for the three drawings now. Thank you! ^_^
Thank you very much ^^ I'll get started on them as soon as I can

Would you like the two little Budew infront of the house? I wont charge anything, since their apart of the house itself
Well then, I guess I'll have to revisit Y lol

A lovely day for a stroll, in this beautiful autum wind, the sun shining through the forest

Deciding to take a stroll through the woods. Normally in a rush, but sometimes a lovely autum day is all thats needed. Letting your Pokemon join you

As Lucario discovers falling autumn leaves, watching them in curiousity by your side, and Dewott watches as well.
Leafeon nearly has a leaf fall on their nose, curiously watching it.
Spoink however decides to play, and jump out of the leaf piles, happily enjoying the air

Rockruff, and Cinncino curiously walk around the trees. Watching the leaves, and sniffing out caterpie.

Truly a day worth remembering.

I had alot of fun doing this, sorry its so late. But I had alot of fun finishing it up, and I hope you like it too.

I changed up the pathing just a bit, Ive seen a few pictures, and one was something like this, I can change up the path if you would like. :)

Your characters has such a cool outfit, sorry shes behind Lucario. I also decided to have her holding her hat, like she let her hair down to enjoy the breeze.

I don't usually draw Lucario, so this was a first, hopefully he looks ok, I try to measure Pokemon up to their size, but sometimes im off, but I hope it looks ok.

Id actually have never drawn Dewott, and he to is kinda covered by Spoink, who was by far the cutest one. I always enjoy Leafeon, my favorite eeveelution by far. I actually didnt know where to put Cinncino after I saw her actuall size, so I just put her cute little self next to Rockruff who is doing what dogs do
Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! Let me know if you want any changes

Enjoy your Savery Skitty Supreme curry 💜

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