Selling temp doodle shop [slots full atm]


½ sugar
Aug 23, 2015
Heart Glow Wand
Yellow Star Fragment
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand
Yellow Star Fragment
Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
Heart Glow Wand
Shooting Star
Heart Glow Wand
Star Glow Wand
100% (235) +


i can only do headshot/busts atm, so sorry about that!! it's just easier for me to make lol
can do humans and generally animals (cats/dogs/foxes/rabbits), idk about birds/horses/dragons (????) but if I think I can do it, I'll try!
I can prolly finish em in a day or two....... or a few days


shaded - 25 tbt
shaded + colored - 35 tbt

shaded - 45
shaded + colored - 60 tbt

shaded headshot | shaded bust | shaded colored bust (right)


raienryu (colored bust)
ali.di.magix (colored bust)
boring (colored bust)
pokeclasher (colored bust)
amilee (colored bust)
NOTE: all shaded

princess mipha & a r i a n e

pay after i finish the art uvu thanks
(u can also pay beforehand tho!! if u prefer that)
no form, just send in your char ref and the style you want!!
(also this isn't fcfs, just whatever i feel lol)​
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this is really cool stuff

can I get a shaded + coloured bust? kinda something like Ike here shocked pls - besides that feel free to just do what you like

Looking cool!
May I get a shaded colored headshot from her ? :3
accepting ariane's and princess mipha's uvu

@Raienryu, did you want a drawing of Ike? Or is the one you linked just a ref for an expression qwq
Heya! Your art is super cute, I'd love a coloured + shaded bust of my mayor c: Here's the ref: [x]
Thanks for considering!
could i purchase a shaded and coloured bust of my lil guy here
if you do thank you so much, your art is lovely!
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accepting ariane's and princess mipha's uvu

@Raienryu, did you want a drawing of Ike? Or is the one you linked just a ref for an expression qwq

oh no yeah I did want a drawing of Ike, just as close to that as you like I'm really easy
I know I said I'd take only 3 slots at a time but since I think I can do everyone's oc, everyone up there is accepted!!
I'm also almost done w ariane's and princess mipha's art, i had it uploaded actually but forgot to put in something so i'll have them up in maybe like 12-ish hours? ; w; ye

also this isnt a requirement but if any of you want to send payment immediately, feel free! though paying after the art's been done is okay too c: just kinda need more money for the sakura restocks lmao
^^ thanks!

done w first 2 commissions, thank you for your interest and patience! send payment as soon as you can if you haven't yet! c:
(click pic for full res!)

Looking very cute, thank you! ^-^
Payment sent :3
ahh she's so cute, thank you so much!! <3
sorry for the delay in answering and paying, easter weekend was very busy and the zipper banner makes it impossible for me to use the forums on mobile sghzfh
thanks again! :D
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