I can totally pay more than what's listed, but just let me know if you want more.
For the monochromatic busts, I was thinking like 400 each:
Madeleine's bf (yeah... I need to make a real ref for him...)
Personality: Inquisitive, Knowledgeable, Perceptive, Down-to-Earth, Organized
Unnamed Male OC (he's on the right):
Personality: carefree, cheerful, sadistic, calm, loves music
ref: Cameron: [x]
Personality: Loyal, charming, friendly, impulsive, strong-willed
Shiny chibi~ 300 each:
Madeleine's bf (yeah... I need to make a real ref for him...)
Personality: Inquisitive, Knowledgeable, Perceptive, Down-to-Earth, Organized
Could you maybe draw him with this pose, with him holding his glasses?
Valyvra: [x]
If you want to, you could try and also add in Solana. Yes, I will pay more if you include her.
ref: Adrianna: [URL="https://farm9.staticflickr.com/8592/15861504766_2f9e0b03f9_o.png"][x]
Personality: Charismatic, stubborn, mischievous, cunning, outspoken[/URL]
If you draw her, could you draw her in this outfit:
[dress] [shoes] [hair:
2] (dress, shoes, hair)
Btw, can we pick sizes for these or no? If we can, you know I like larger sizes (like 900px+), but let me know.