United States {Temporarily Closed} Michael's Extras~ Series 1, 2, 3 & 4!

Hi there!
I'd like to offer my Gloria and Mira cards for your Goldie card?
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312 Shrunk • SP and 337 Queenie for [three] regular villagers

Hello, Michael24!

I have the following offer for you:

From Michael24 to Candy83:
312 Shrunk ? SP
337 Queenie​

From Candy83 to Michael24:
? [Three] villagers from my list (which you need) ?
336 Pierce +02
339 Frita +01
343 Anabelle +02
350 Elmer +01
355 Mira +01
359 Apple +01
381 Gloria +02
384 Margie +01
386 Rosie +02
388 Maelle +01
391 Gayle +01​

I am in the United States and in the state of Michigan.

If you are interested, please send me a private message.


P.S. I just checked with cards you need, from Series #03, to see what I can also offer. They are:
278 Dora
287 Claudia​

I will note: I did post on Snowfell's thread an offer. I will provide a link. (I did this just shortly before posting this offer on your thread, Michael24.) This is mentioned because of the regular villager Amiibo Cards I am offering both of you. (There is some overlap.)

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Hi! I will trade you Jingle, Frita, Rory, and Lucky for Goldie, Graham, Queenie, and Robin!
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Heyo, I'm interested in your Bob, Julian, and Zucker. I don't have your current wants but are you willing to take other cards for them?
I send you Frita and Celeste for Angus and Cally ? (I live in Canada).
I have Pinky and Rory and would be interested in your Katt and Shep if they're still available. Thank you!
Hi, my Katrina and Lucy for your Rod and Sylvia?
Added a few more Series 4

306 - Tommy
337 - Queenie
341 - Melba
347 - Tammy
349 - Lucy
369 - Sylvia
383 - Hippeux
388 - Maelle
389 - Bruce
I can trade you 343 Anabelle for either 349 Lucy or 369 Sylvia..
I have other cards posted on my thread if you want to double check?
303 - Katrina
313 - Pave

331 - Pashmina(x2)
333 - Lolly
334 - Erik
348 - Olaf
349 - Lucy
365 - Peggy
373 - Pompom
379 - Nibbles

302 - Brewster
304 - Phineas
315 - Redd

317 - Goldie
321 - Mallary
327 - Penelope
328 - Boone
338 - Fang
341 - Melba
348 - Olaf
349 - Lucy
354 - Walt
359 - Apple
365 - Peggy
370 - Jacques
372 - Doc
380 - Kevin
384 - Margie(x2)
387 - Rowan
390 - O'Hare(x2)
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hey! i want to trade/buy filbert but i am not from the us i dont know if you would mind that. also what do you want in return for it should we trade?
I guess I should clarify a bit:

I'll take any trade for what someone may need. Just offer anything, I'll accept :)