Termina Cafe

only_half_evil333 said:
Has anyone beat God of War 2
if not i have, immortality means you can never die of old age

A god can be killed by a stab through the heart but only through the heart

I can never die, I am one of the fundemental forces of the universe.
We can still lock you in chains to hold up the gate way to hell for all eternity

or would you rater carry Pandoras temple on your back through the Sahara Desert till the sand eats the flesh off your bones?

Yes i know alot more about Greek religion then im supposed to.
only_half_evil333 said:
We can still lock you in chains to hold up the gate way to hell for all eternity

or would you rater carry Pandoras temple on your back through the Sahara Desert till the sand eats the flesh off your bones?

Yes i know alot more about Greek religion then im supposed to.
Those places suck.

And whatever I will happens, so capturing me is impossible.
It worked against the Titans it shall work against you. or would you rater me take out the blade of Olympus the sword that ended the great titan war. The sword has all the power of the gods infused within it.

"I am one of the fundemental forces of the universe"

Gaia was one of the fundemental forces of the universe she suffered the worst task to hold up the entire world. as mother earth
only_half_evil333 said:
It worked against the Titans it shall work against you. or would you rater me take out the blade of Olympus the sword that ended the great titan war. The sword has all the power of the gods infused within it.

"I am one of the fundemental forces of the universe"

Gaia was one of the fundemental forces of the universe she suffered the worst task to hold up the entire world. as mother earth
I never said this universe.
by the way you said your one of the powers pick your power and choose wisely :r

i know which one i would pick
I think Atlas was the one holding up the world....

and um yeah this is going too far.....
Besides here I pwn u all.

Gabbylala said:
Sporge27 said:
Gengar said:
Sporge...is the Termina still in ruins from the whole flying away-Carmen SanDiego thing?
yeah i mean to put out a warrant for her soon.....
Spaorge get me my Bazooka....I need to blow up somethin
well after I crashed the cafe... well I can't seem to find.... oh wait here it is! and there is some over here, and here and here!!

*hands several little pieces of bazooka to Gabby*

there you go!
Sporge, shouldn't we call up some repairmen of somekind? A busted, crashed cafe won't be getting us many customers...I assume.

<small><small><small><small><small><small><small> APRIL FOOLS! Note: any pies consumed are made of mud and other unpleasant things, by consuming them you agree not to sue</small></small></small></small></small></small></small>
Sporge27 said:

<small><small><small><small><small><small><small> APRIL FOOLS! Note: any pies consumed are made of mud and other unpleasant things, by consuming them you agree not to sue</small></small></small></small></small></small></small>


Okay, sounds good to me, then. *begins serving pies to random people walking by*