• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

Thanks...*eye twitch*


Aug 6, 2013
Throwback Tickets
Pumpkin Cupcake
Ancient Candle
Ancient Candle
Dusty Scroll
Ancient Lantern
Wow...thank you person who voided this one and visited my town and then gave her to me...
Thank you very much...



*runs into a corner and sulks*

(Sorry but I need to vent out my rage somewhere)

- - - Post Merge - - -

i know your pain

a few months ago my friend voided Charlise and I got her when she street passed me

i was in rage.
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Aw, dat sucks.

Just greet her and then ignore her until she moves?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, now's a great time to say this:

Don't you wish you could evict your neighbours? I mean, you are the mayor.

*Looks at Hopper* I wish I could evict you.
Thats just bad >>

My friend voided Derwin and sent him to me >>, I got him out via speaking to him alot

Hmm, I'll just speed TT (I'll speak to all my villagers at least once) and see if Violet moves e.e
She crushed my trees so I was pretty angry about that too lol.
Don't ignore Violet. Become good friends with so she's more likely to move and agree with you.
Imma stay awake until she moves. I cannot bear to wake up to see her in my town still.
That sucks. ;c

And yeah, like Kippla said, become best friends with her. Believe me, I've tested this with Merry. I tried through months of TT'ing to get her to move out, ignoring her, starting other characters to introduce them, everything. She wouldn't even ping. I started talking to her a million times a day, sending her letters, doing her favors (just to try it since I was getting so frustrated) - she pinged within a week and asked to move.
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That sucks. ;c

And yeah, like Kippla said, become best friends with her. Believe me, I've tested this with Merry. I tried through months of TT'ing to get her to move out, ignoring her, starting other characters to introduce them, everything. She wouldn't even ping. I started talking to her a million times a day, sending her letters, doing her favors (just to try it since I was getting so frustrated) - she pinged within a week and asked to move.

Yep c: I'm doing it now.
Talking to her at least 3 times a day, send her letters and doing favors (although she hasn't asked for one).
Aw, dat sucks.

Just greet her and then ignore her until she moves?

- - - Post Merge - - -

Also, now's a great time to say this:

Don't you wish you could evict your neighbours? I mean, you are the mayor.

*Looks at Hopper* I wish I could evict you.

I agree! I WISH you could! Aww, I would TOTALLY take Hopper, if I had room. XD He's a HELL lot better than Violet... Besides the fact that he's one of my dreamies. :3


Awww!!! That sucks!!! >.< I know EXACTLY how you feel since I got Violet from my boyfriend at one point (dunno if it was because he visited me or if I visited him). From personal experience, ignore her after you say hi to her when she moves in. Find out from other villagers that she's thinking about moving and wait until she's in boxes before talking to her again.

If you're not really friends with her (or any villager you want to move), they could end up staying longer if you tell them to go. I made the mistake of talking to her with my 2nd character and she actually wanted to stay so we could become better friends. Uh... HELL NO. I resetted and loaded my mayor and just ignored her until I got the message from Isabelle saying that she was getting ready to move and I could say my goodbyes. I was SOOOOO happy when she was FINALLY gone!! There's HOPE!! :D
Could have been worse. As far as gorilla's go, Violet is one of the 'cute' ones.

At least she's better looking than Jane. Though Jane isn't in new Leaf so... feel fortunate? xD
Could have been worse. As far as gorilla's go, Violet is one of the 'cute' ones.

At least she's better looking than Jane. Though Jane isn't in new Leaf so... feel fortunate? xD

true x3
You have the best of the worst :3
{Al was one of my starters, it took me almost a month to move him out >:u}
Her house is in a good spot at least :0 if you want her to move out fast just be rly friendly with her
Just ignore her a lot and she will ping likely move. That's how Curlos, Groucho, Tiffany, and other uglies moved haha.
I had to giggle over this

because I understand your frustration. I had a open space after TT'ing somebody out and I visited somebody to do a trade with them.. it wasn't til later when they told me that Drago was leaving and I may get him in my town..


Guess where he put his house? Right in the middle of my path..