That one neighbor...

tutu. i just got rid of her yesterday. she saw me as her best friend, even though i ignored her for weeks and never responded to her constant letters.
i hate peppy villagers anyway, so it was inevitable that i would want her to leave, even if she was one of my natives. i was so happy when she pinged me to move. i think i almost cried of joy.
I hated Drago for the looongest time!! Thankfully he moved out so now im stuck with apollo .. Julian is starting to get on my nerves too!!!
Coco came to my town once and she's so scary, I'm just not mentally prepared to handle her gouged out eye holes and gaping mouth peering into my window at night.
Jambette has given me a fair share of nightmares...
Rocco, I first thought he looked quite cool and his look fitted his grumpy personality, but then he moved literally right in front of my town hall!
Ankha.She is a stalker.
All time that I make a new town,at some point she comes.
Mine is broffina, I have been trying soooo hard to get them to leave :mad:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Ankha.She is a stalker.
All time that I make a new town,at some point she comes.
Really? Most people love ankha and would do anything for her
Hippeux. ;_; Ohhh, the rage when I was first like "hm? who's this villager? They're gonna be my NEXT-DOOR NEIGHBOR! 8D" And then the next day when he moved in like... O_O I wanted to flip a table. Eventually I FINALLY got him to move out, and then?

I get Diva... she scared me by the way... I wanted to cry because she was my next-door neighbor, too. I don't even think I ever got her out of town before I reset Q_Q I think I might've, but I don't quite remember.

...But that's just my experience with that kind of neighbor. XD
Paula, she's only been in my town for four days, but has literally made everyone cry during animal conversations, and then goes and asks me for a horned Hercules. The nerve
In the Animal Crossing game for Game Cube, I hated having both Bree and Anicotti in my town. They were both so rude and not that cute. They both moved eventually, though.