Hey all. I'm just recreating Roblox's topic to explain stuff a bit better. To start this off, Roblox is the founder of the group. Baileyac45622 and I are... Co-founders I believe. Anyway, we base our ranks certain foods. Here are the ranks.
Glazed doughnuts=Founders
Jelly doughnuts=Important people, specially chosen people who help out with the group/have special jobs.
Pancakes with Syrup=Basically VIPs
Waffles=Regular rank
Apples=More events than Orange, less than Waffles
Oranges=More events than Peach, less than Apple
Peaches=More events than Pear, less than Orange
Pears=Only been to few events
French Toast=Newcommers to the group who haven't been to an event yet
Rotten Apples=Members who have been kicked out of the group/temporarly banned due to being rude towards other members
If you act rudely to other members, you will get strikes. Strike #1 puts you in the Bad Apple group for a day. Strike #2 puts you in the Bad Apple group for a week. Strike #3 bans you from the group permanently.
Remember, this is all subject to change. Anyway, you can advance your rank only by going to
events so far. I'll talk it over with Roblox to get different ways to advance.
<big>List of members</big>
Glazed Doughnuts=Roblox (biggest doughnut ) Baileyac45622, and Cornman64
Jelly doughnuts=None
Pancakes with Syrup=None
French Toast= Mohawkien, Luvbun, Ross_Svan, Nook, Tikitorch55, Goldfish, Lobo99, Diddygirl97
Rotten Apples=None
Here's the form you must fill out in order to become a member:
Town name:
Why you want to be in:
Will you respect the other members?:
Glazed doughnuts=Founders
Jelly doughnuts=Important people, specially chosen people who help out with the group/have special jobs.
Pancakes with Syrup=Basically VIPs
Waffles=Regular rank
Apples=More events than Orange, less than Waffles
Oranges=More events than Peach, less than Apple
Peaches=More events than Pear, less than Orange
Pears=Only been to few events
French Toast=Newcommers to the group who haven't been to an event yet
Rotten Apples=Members who have been kicked out of the group/temporarly banned due to being rude towards other members
If you act rudely to other members, you will get strikes. Strike #1 puts you in the Bad Apple group for a day. Strike #2 puts you in the Bad Apple group for a week. Strike #3 bans you from the group permanently.
Remember, this is all subject to change. Anyway, you can advance your rank only by going to
events so far. I'll talk it over with Roblox to get different ways to advance.
<big>List of members</big>
Glazed Doughnuts=Roblox (biggest doughnut ) Baileyac45622, and Cornman64
Jelly doughnuts=None
Pancakes with Syrup=None
French Toast= Mohawkien, Luvbun, Ross_Svan, Nook, Tikitorch55, Goldfish, Lobo99, Diddygirl97
Rotten Apples=None
Here's the form you must fill out in order to become a member:
Town name:
Why you want to be in:
Will you respect the other members?: