Why is the Napoleonfish model so friggin small?!?!?!
im gonna lose my mind. please let me do waterfalls on cliff corners
im gonna lose my mind. please let me do waterfalls on cliff corners
FL:KDJSFSDF I came here to say the exact same thing. I totally stripped my island of all levels and started from scratch. spent hours filling in a huge 2nd layer and then some 3rd layers, and then spent several more hours trying to make a natural looking river. get to the first cliff with this grand vision of a cute diagonal waterfall to find that it cant go that way.it looks really awkward now and im livid.
ooh that's true, I never thought of it that way before. that makes a lot more sense now -- at least there's a technical reason for it then!ugh i wish too. at first i was like why couldn't we do it. it's gonna be the same anyway, then i realized, they're not letting us because if it's possible then we can make a full cliff that has water on all edges leaving us no possibility of going "up" to tear it down or change it and it'll be stuck there forever. i wonder if it's a possibility that they can allow us to do waterfalls on 1-2 corners maximum, but probably too complicated to code.
ooh that's true, I never thought of it that way before. that makes a lot more sense now -- at least there's a technical reason for it then!
if it won't ruin the look, my suggestion would be to put a flower or bush on it. that's what i do on mine to make it look less awkward. it's a whole process if it's a bush though, because you have to put it down with a land before it, then remove the land again until you walk back applying water on it again.