The ACNH Rant Thread

Also I really hate the auto save feature in this game. Given the fact that it costs too much money to move stuff around, the auto saving after you place something down and it's not where you want, then you're out 50,000 bells and have the building where you don't want it. They gave us the ability to terraform our islands, but at the cost of being able to actually have control over when we choose to save our game.

Then on top of that, with this game's annoying 'wait a day' feature, you can't even fix the mistake you made that the auto save feature forced on you, unless you time travel. For someone like me, it ruins the entire game for me for the rest of the day, since I can't fix it until the next day and it's going to bug me for the rest of the day. It's going to cost me 2 days and 100k bells to fix.

Yes, I know I should be more careful and it's my fault for making said mistake but the 50,000 bells to move buildings, then the game auto saves, then you have to wait a day in order to fix it. It's just tedious and unfun.
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Here's mine for today...
The people who claim that they're fine with how long it takes Redd to show up are probably people who have him showing up quite often. I haven't seen him in two weeks or so :/
Or that or they just go to the forums to trade anyway. Or find someone to dupe all the real art pieces. And it sucks when he does show up and all of it is fake. They're smoking some strong stuff this time around.
All that ranting I did just to realize that I didn't make a mistake. The house I placed was where I wanted it (it looked off to me, but it really wasn't). The auto save feature is still trash though and I hope they give us the option to turn it off in the future.
I have two visual complaints:

1. I’m disappointed that the grass and tree colors don’t vary as much as they did in NL. I liked the change from green, over yellow, into red and then purple and brown across the seasons.

2. Nighttime is too bright in this game. It took me a while to notice, but it never really gets dark enough. Not only does it make the night less atmospheric, it means that light sources don’t stand out as much anymore, losing all effect.
Lack of furniture, the furniture/clothing in new leaf is so much better and has an aesthetic new horzions just doesn't have. I wish they would put all the missing sets in new horizons. And why does pocket camp have better furniture and clothing than new horizons does??? It's a $60 game it should have so much more. I hope they add more eventually. And the old fruits
I have two visual complaints:

1. I’m disappointed that the grass and tree colors don’t vary as much as they did in NL. I liked the change from green, over yellow, into red and then purple and brown across the seasons.

2. Nighttime is too bright in this game. It took me a while to notice, but it never really gets dark enough. Not only does it make the night less atmospheric, it means that light sources don’t stand out as much anymore, losing all effect.
Yeah the lack of variety in grass patterns is kind of sad. All the other games had different shapes for the grass and this game kind of makes the grass feel less nature-ish and more like carpet. Also I don't TT so I haven't noticed season changes yet, but that really sucks if you can't notice the difference in the colors from vibrant green to browns.

Every time someone says something new here I realize how much they're missing. Why did they cut so much out?
getting the mermaid DIYs is a pain. I don't mind diving too much but it's not exactly fun, and having to slowly swim around searching for scallops is mind numbingly boring. even worse is the fact that Pascal isn't even guaranteed to show up on your first scallop, so you might have to try again until he shows up. and even then he might give you a pearl instead of DIY.

I don't even like the stupid set that much, I just want it so my completionist brain can be satisfied lol
getting the mermaid DIYs is a pain. I don't mind diving too much but it's not exactly fun, and having to slowly swim around searching for scallops is mind numbingly boring. even worse is the fact that Pascal isn't even guaranteed to show up on your first scallop, so you might have to try again until he shows up. and even then he might give you a pearl instead of DIY.

I don't even like the stupid set that much, I just want it so my completionist brain can be satisfied lol

I know what you mean. I do like the set but I've forgotten a few times to even go diving to get a recipe/pearl from Pascal!
It would had been better to have Pascal just give the mermaid furniture without DIY. Not really a big fan of the DIY. It's kind of a toss up if it's easier to get these than the mermaid series on NL. You had to do tours to get medals and than island jump to find one of the island shops that were selling the mermaid pieces you needed.
I mentioned this in the hairstyle thread but I can't stop wondering why they removed the light brown hair option and replaced it with a less common darker colour. I mean... there are just so many decisions the devs made that I just can't wrap my head around. That's one of the weirdest since it wouldn't have been hard to leave in.
I don't know if these have been mentioned before but I miss:

Light brown hair
Different grass colors in Spring and Summer
Rare tree stump pattern shapes
Four Leaf Clovers

Also Tortimor Island (I know this has been mentioned). Could this be coming back next month? Tropical Fruit could be brought back with Tortimor Island.

Besides trading, there's nothing to to do in Multiplayer.

Also some more night activities would be great after the shops close.
When crafting, why did they think it was a good idea to have to stop crafting, disengage with the workbench, only to have to hit it again to start customizing? "Customize something" should be a part of the crafting menu too so you don't have to waste so much time going through the menu just to start customizing.

This made the bulk crafting/customization I did today seriously annoying! I'd love the option to customize straight from crafting in the future, it would make so much sense!
When crafting, why did they think it was a good idea to have to stop crafting, disengage with the workbench, only to have to hit it again to start customizing? "Customize something" should be a part of the crafting menu too so you don't have to waste so much time going through the menu just to start customizing.

This made the bulk crafting/customization I did today seriously annoying! I'd love the option to customize straight from crafting in the future, it would make so much sense!
We can only hope for a QoL update down the road that allows us to craft from storage/pockets, bulk craft, and switch between crafting and customizing. Among many other QoL updates.

I hate how everything I try to do doesn't really line up right and I just got to live with it unless I want to just make some area so huge it eats up so much space and looks ridiculous. I just want two benches and a clam fountain to line up.
The gallant statue takes way too much space (and it’s a lot taller than I was expecting it to be).

I should be able to stand right by the feet on any side, but instead there is an empty space right in front of me that’s part of the statue. This really messes up my design plans and trying to make my areas easier to move around.
I don't think NL displayed accurate sizes to the real source, but I've noticed many paintings in my museum are different sizes. I think the David statue is supposed to be like 15-20 feet, so this seems to be the case.
The card game for campsite villagers to move in is seriously annoying for me. They have so much dialogue so it's an A button spam until you actually get them to play, and even then you're not guaranteed that you'll win.

More of a personal rant but I spent 2 hours trying to get Felicity to kick a specific villager out for her to move in. I swear there came a point where I almost no longer wanted her because the card game was so annoying (and the fact that I had to reset a ton of times bc she's mentioned 9 names of villagers to kick out, the 1 she mentioned last literally the one I wanted to kick out hjhjdksjjd).
Why.....why did they make it so the Nook's only give one color variation per island???? why???? I am so sick of having to beg people to let me catalogue random items just because I can't customize the ones from the shop and I can't just wait for a different color bc there is no different color. I just want to decorate things. I just want to live my life.
I loathe crafting with every fibre of my being, and the Crookphone.

All day, every day on my mobile in RL, go to my AC game to escape technology on a deserted island and they shove a mobile phone full of apps into my hands.

I don't even use apps on my real mobile apart from Chrome. :-/

I loathe the NM pings, as I have no interest in gaining more useless miles so allow me to TURN IT OFF.

Kill the Crookphone, and the crafting and make it a real AC game again.

Not PC landscape edition.
Not PC landscape edition.
It really does feel like NH placed everything that was unique to AC on the backburner for the sake of terraforming. And it's an awesome innovative idea, but it shouldn't take over the staple of the game. I'm one of those people who likes the idea and will use it, but it's not where I would like to put 80% of my gameplay and right now with all the stuff that has yet to be updated (or removed indefinitely) I haven't gotten much use out of the game where I intended.