I see a lot of folks claiming how they prefer the monthly updates opposed to everything being on our lap at the get go, which I am fine with, but quite a few also claim that Nintendo already have these updates planned and they are waiting on them.
I feel like if that is the case, than why is it taking them until March 2021 to introduce the Mario anniversary furniture? To me this just blatantly screams that they're behind. Had I know back in March how barebone that game was I would had waited. Heck it's almost the end of the year now and we aren't as far in with the updates as I thought we would be.
This is reminding me about Sega's handling of the servers of Phantasy Star Universe (except JPs) where they were a year behind updates and the stuff that was being updated online was stuff available from day 1 on the physical offline copy. So the stuff was there, they just slept on it and it probably wasn't that hard to just code it to be online as well.
The game never even got the online exclusive updates before SoJ decided to just kill the overseas servers. Take a note from Sega Nintendo. Don't do that.