It's such an oversight. I like the game, but it disappoints me on many levels. Something like changing dialouge should had been a thing during the Halloween/JingleTurkey updates. You can't tell me that it wouldn't be possible to make this minor change with the updates. They've had enough time to do this right.
Nothing about this game interests me all that much right now. All I am doing daily is making a snowman to get the DIY. I did a Xmas themed area, but it'll be gutted in about a week. It's so weird that they have us grind for the DIY and by the time we get it all, it's almost too late to even use it. It's like they expect us to grind and use it for next Xmas. Bruh come on.
The 15th for decorations is too late. I had a tree and lights on my house in the beginning of December. That's when we should had been able to start getting the stuff. The way they're doing things, it's like they expect us to cheat to put it up sooner or just admit defeat and not bother decorating until all the holidays come out next year.
I like the game, I really do, but it feels more like a spin-off where decorating outside is the main focus and everything else is put on the backburner. Sort of like HHD, but it's HHD2.