I feel like there is some weird design choices made.
- When hoarding bugs/fish before the museum unlocked, I felt bummed I missed out on Blathers' dialogue on the critters because I didn't want to submit each item one by one. I thought if I asked him to explain, I could pick out the critter from the encyclopedia but instead I have to bring him another submitted creature.
*You give the player the option to revisit Blathers' tidbits but I have to bring him the item again. That's oddly backwards.
- I like the interior design mechanism for the house but it's weird I can't use that same power to place buildings or infrastructures. I feel like we should've gotten the grid format. I basically use my native fruit to draw out lines to get my placements right. I did that in New Leaf too.
- This one by one buying in the Able Sister's fitting room is a killer. I want to be able to multi-select three different shirts. I find myself going in and out, in and out.. over and over again. I feel like a lunatic. She might think I'm a lunatic.
- I'd like to multi-craft my diy items. Maybe not all, but fish bait would be nice. I collect 10 clams and I have to one by one crush clams into powder for bait. It's odd that spamming the A button speeds up the animation but why not let me craft 10 clam powders in one-go? Wild.
- I don't like that there is no universal locker storage to dump things I've collected especially in a friend's town. So if I do the lunatic in and out fitting room sequence where I have 5 shirts and 3 glasses. I have to leave the island to dump all my crap out. I hope they can expand the airport a bit more.
- I don't understand why I can craft items with online play but I can't customize them. Why is that not aloud?
One last thing, which is just my dumb fault. I keep plucking flowers because I'm so used to the format in NL. This happens frequently when I'm using my shovel and I want to sweep the hole away with my feet. I will be standing on a flower with a hole in front of me and I try to sweep it but I pluck the flower instead. Nooooo!