I have Cranston, who's a lazy villager, and even he lifts weights. What??? He's lazy! Lazy people don't do that.
For some reason they've just turned into dads.My cranky villagers seem a lot less cranky in NH, which is disappointing. I would describe Lobo as a total sweetheart, in fact.
I am proofI have Cranston, who's a lazy villager, and even he lifts weights. What??? He's lazy! Lazy people don't do that.
Ikr?I have Cranston, who's a lazy villager, and even he lifts weights. What??? He's lazy! Lazy people don't do that.
My Claude is lazy and he is always doing it.
Wolfgang, Freya, Mathilda, Cherry, Shep, and the rest. Constantly exercising.
It has put me off playing.
I turned it on this morning, saw Wolfgang exercising and shut the game down without saving.
Haven't played it all day.
Nintendo really needs to patch the rate this happens as it's surely putting other fans off their favorite villagers as well as the game in general.
Honestly? The fact that prices on nookazon are so bad now bothers me so so much because, while you can still find good deals on there if you look for them and I’ve never had a bad experience, it’s mostly just like you said and I feel like when it started first it up it wasn’t. I actually remember my friends and myself saying things like “omg nookazon is so nice” and “lol people’s prices here are so much more reasonable than every other site” because a lot of sellers on there would ask things like literally just 500k bells for Raymond and Audie and 5k-10k each for white streetlamps and pastel teacups. I bought a bunch of crescent moon chairs from someone on there for 1 nmt each once, as well as several lilies of the valley for a really good price.People complaining about the prices of stuff on sites like Nookazon, etc are completely right. Just noticed that today when I was trying to get the recipe for a brick fence - people are buying them for like 20 NMT, I've seen someone offer to pay 30 NMT, it's insane.
Nobody's grinding for a brick fence, these exploits should've been fixed before the game came out, it makes buying such a drag.
Honestly? The fact that prices on nookazon are so bad now bothers me so so much because, while you can still find good deals on there if you look for them and I’ve never had a bad experience, it’s mostly just like you said and I feel like when it started first it up it wasn’t. I actually remember my friends and myself saying things like “omg nookazon is so nice” and “lol people’s prices here are so much more reasonable than every other site” because a lot of sellers on there would ask things like literally just 500k bells for Raymond and Audie and 5k-10k each for white streetlamps and pastel teacups. I bought a bunch of crescent moon chairs from someone on there for 1 nmt each once, as well as several lilies of the valley for a really good price.
But now since it exploded in popularity prices like those are much harder to find and people instead want the typical hundreds of tickets and millions of bells for Raymond (...I see someone on there right now asking for 8,000–eight thousand!—tickets for him in fact), 200+ nmt for a single genuine art piece, and completely ridiculous amounts of both nmt and bells for items that aren’t even released yet. It’s become just like everywhere else except worse and full of people with bad reviews and it’s sad. And actually I think part of it is because way too many people just go straight through discord to do nookazon deals and don’t check anyone’s reviews on the site. Maybe there needs to be an easier way to access them from discord somehow (if there even is one?? been a while since I used the discord), so it won’t be so easy for scammers to feel like they can hide behind discord’s anonymity. Idk if I’m making sense lol but yeah. I used to love nookazon and I’m sad about how it is now.
Also, on a very slightly related note, here’s a rant of my own about nookazon: I always see people on there trying to trade customizable items for a different variation of said item and it bugs me so much every time. I don’t wanna be rude but is it really so hard to take your item to a crafting bench and try it out or just look it up on one of the many databases out there to check if it’s customizable?I feel like it does nothing but clog up the search results because I recall when I was looking for a birthday cake on there a while back, the listings were full of people asking for a birthday cake for a birthday cake not knowing it could be customized. So I didn’t have anything to trade for one.
The past couple days every time someone’s crafting in their house it’s one of the DIYs you literally get on day 1. Why is this a thing. I WANT NEW DIYS NOT ONES YOU GET GIVEN FIRST THING. it made me so mad
and then they have the audacity to give you it anyways. Because I’m likely to find someone who doesn’t know how to craft a pot.
Villagers only appear on islands when you have open space or if you don’t have someone already coming to your island. You can message a friend as long as your best friends it’s been like that since the beginning.-Mystery islands sometimes not having villagers on them, traveled two times straight and no villager there each time.
-Cant see where friends are on the map when visit
-Cant message friends unless they visit me or I visit them
(Wont know to visit without other communication methods outside of the game)