I have something to admit, and I'm probably going to get flamed for it.
But people complaining about "my generation sucks" makes me really, really mad.
First of all, having hatred for something is never cool. It should never be considered an a fad to just be hateful and whiny all the time. But the more and more I see it, the more it annoys me.
There have always been stupid parts of culture, always. The reason why you don't hear about the crappy fads of the 1950's, or 60's, or the Roman Empire, is because those crappy parts either got faded out over time, or they ended up being made fun of so often that they became ironically classic. However, people always seem to ignore this fact and instead zero in on the fact that their culture has some crappy stuff. They don't look back because no, it would be too hard to learn actual history. No, instead they just blindly complain about how much everything sucks, despite the fact that stuff has always kind of sucked. I'll admit that there is a bit of an overabundance of bad quality, but it isn't the end of the universe.
And the ironic part of all of this is that these people are doing absolutely nothing to change it. The time spent complaining about Justin Beiber could be used to go out and find an amazing band that could only get big if they could get the support. But they won't get big, do you know why? Because nobody is willing to actually invest time and money to go see their shows. People can sit around and complain about their culture, but when it comes to actually improving it, they don't do squat. What makes me even sicker is the fact that they use people's art not our of appreciation, but to make themselves feel superior. Instead of listening to the Beatles because of their message of love and tolerance, they disregard all of that and go out of their way to pick fights about people's music, just to get some kind of false sense of superiority.
That's my confession for the day.