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The Animal Crossing Diaries


Not a twonk
Jun 11, 2013
Throwback Tickets
New Horizons Token
Hello everyone! I hope this hasn't already been done, if it has, feel free to tell me! But i thought it would be cool, if as many people as possible could write a short paragraph each day about what they did in game, and any specific new things that happened. Then we could all have some sort of memories, to look back on in the future. I understand people have made blogs and such, i just thought there could be a collaborative group that post each day on this thread to say what they had done. Maybe pictures could also be included if possible.

Here's my first entry:

19th June 2013:

Today i had a good day in animal crossing new leaf, firstly i donated a few bugs and fish to the museum, and then went digging for fossils and gyroids, I find it really strange that i haven't had rain since i started playing on Friday- better not jinx it...

I found 3 fossils and 2 gyroids, and since i had my shovel on hand, i searched my town in order to find rocks with gems and money in. I managed to get a silver nugget and about 2000 bells.

Main street was next, i looked through the shops, and brought a fortune cookie, which contained a Mario item, and found that next door a new shop is being built. I then went to the Able sisters, and brought a dress, but found i hadn't enough space to buy all i need, so i will have to go back later and buy a detective hat so i can be Sherlock Holmes~

Simon the Monkey asked me to come over today, so i headed off at 1 p.m. When i got there, i spent a few minutes looking around, he had a campfire and marshmallows in the middle of the room, which was awesome! He did keep apologizing for the lack of food though.

I then spoke to Timbra who asked to come over at 1.20 p.m. although i forgot she was coming, and ended up not being visited. I apologized though... Maybe...

The Island unlocked today, which means i can get some beetles tonight! :D I played a few tours earlier, and raised my medals up to 35, just 15 more until i can get club tortimer- although i haven't heard the greatest reviews about it. But, we'll see what happens.

I am yet to connect with anyone today, but i would like to connect with some friends soon.

That's all for today, if i do anything major tonight, i will update, but otherwise. Goodbye :D

Thanks for reading :D
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1. Walked to T&T bought fortune cookie and then bought all the furniture in the store.
2. Walked outside and opened my fortune cookies and went back into the store traded in the fortunes and got 1 prize a green shell and a non winner (I was awarded a love dresser which I sold on the spot;))
3. Walked outside and went into the garden center bought a sapling and walked outside
4. Went into Able sisters' and bought a straw hat.
5. Went to Kicks and window shopped went back outside.
6. Then went to the museum and went upstairs and bought a tall display case then went back down stairs and talked to blathers assessed 2 fossils from yesterday that were not already in the museum I donated them and went outside.
7. Then I went to club LOL which is the first time I ever went there and talked to the shrink
8. Went outside and back to the main town
9. Then I hit a money rock and a gem rock after hunting for them
10. Watered about 10 flowers and dug up some weeds
11. Went to Groucho's house to take a look if some bushes I had planted around his house grew but they were dead and I dug them up.
12. Then in anger I went to the town hall and complained about Groucho because of how bad his house looks
13. After that I went down to the beach to see if anything was going on then went to the notice board to take a look at the notice saying club LOL was open
14. Then saved and quit.
Thanks for the advice! Today's diary has now been posted for myself, feel free to comment and i can either add it too my start post, or leave it as it is! :D

Thanks 3ds Lover :D
I actually made a topic like this, but it's probably in the back pages. Its fine though, since the initial idea is pretty common. I'm just glad people actually use this, unlike mine. ANYWAY, here is my day in Kakariko Village.


Today was harvest day! for me, harvest day is when my exotic fruit orchards are all ready to be sold. I get about 30,000 bells per harvest from my Durains, Bananas, lemons, and those tomato looking things. Recently, i have been working on community projects to help round out my outlook on how i want my town to look pre-perfect status, meaning that i want a path that reaches everywhere, a few individual "Parks" that have community projects like benches, faceboards, street lamps, clocks, and so on. At the moment, i have finished a bridge, and a bench for my first "Park" area.



Today, i setup a Face board to go in my park next to the yellow bench. I chose it because 1, i found a picture that fit the Zelda theme, and 2, it was cheap. I made the money day of, and its gonna be there tomorrow. I have to say, i feel like the outside of my house is near perfect. I like the flowers, the path around it, and the blue mailbox and bricks. Sahara was in town today and this pic was taken during her redesign of my walls and floor.


I was bored during the day after ten, so i decided to go to Ables and do a little QR code searching. The whole thing about codes turned into a cosplay event staring me! But before that, i had a bit of "Zelda" brand of luck with my fortune cookies. da-da-da-DAAAAA! Hero Pants, and Majoras Mask! But for no, i end this post with Everett, Captain of Squad 10!

Awesome orchard Kabune! I haven't done much at all today, due to school. Will be playing soon though! :)
Thursday June 20th - Day 7

Frita the sheep is unpacking. She's my 8th villager. She's very... brightly colored. I'm not sure what I think of her yet.

The gardening store opened today. Woohoo! I want to completely re-landscape my town. This will require hoarding flowers and trees from Leif for a while before I actually do it though. Partly because I need an axe still, and Leif didn't have one.

I ran into Gulliver for the first time today. He had gone to Sweden and I successfully got the answer right. I'm pretty good with geography and history, but I don't know much about the Nobel prize, so I had to Google that one.

Got my second visit from Pascal today. He gave me a cannon in exchange for a scallop. I really am looking forward to making a pirate themed room, so I'm going to look for a scallop every day until I get all of the pieces.

I am also raising funds for the Reset Surveillance Center as of today. I put it pretty much at the top of the ramp going down to the beach where the dock is. The reason being is I want to be able to see when it's open. I think I'll forget about it if I put it off in the middle of nowhere. One of my villagers also requested the Moai Statue public work. I plan to build that at some point.

Other than those things, it was just the usual - buying and selling stuff, talking to people, etc.
- - - Post Merge - - -

Hello everybody! Today started out pretty normal, but when i saw my house, it got bigger! i totally forget to mention that last time. Well with a bigger house, things aren't so cramped. Speaking of houses, there a new villager coming soon! It's Dora, and even though if this were any other town, i would hate her, but i got lucky with Kakariko.


I reset 4 times to get it, and with my new bridge installed, the layout is perfect, i even have a private beach under my home! I lucked up with villagers as well. I got Tangy, and Scoot: 2 of my absolute faves (Although Alphonso and Vladimir are on higher pedestals), Quillson and Deena: The duckies (That probably moved here because of Scoot), Harry, Zucker, and Cranston: The Home boyz (Who are just awesome), and Fuchsia: The girl i love to hate. All in all i love Kakariko, and after my pre-perfect outlook, its gonna be 15 times more awesome! Speaking of awesome, check out my house!


Now with this Balloon Theme working out nicely, for now, my house is alright. Today i wanted to get another "Cheap" Project outta the way for my park. Today was the celebration of the Face board. Before the ceremony, i put that link pic up there.


The next project i had in mind was going to bring the whole park look full circle, but i feel that i need more stuff in it. I also blocked it off with a pattern that i might change later. I decided on the Street Lamp, but i might put a clock in there too. Just like yesterday, i wanted something i could pay for within the day. At least this is easier than the 98,000 that i own Nook. Although i have a pic of me completing the donation for the lamp, here's a pic off the park (Still under construction)


In order to get the money for the Street Lamp, i went to the island and got some fruit. I stupidly just sold it not even thinking that a few spots on my beach were bare and open for more Bananas. Also with some new lemon trees, my harvest day sales numbers could have been higher, but its fine. Back in town, I ended up spending 3,000 bells for a nice statue(That's probably fake) from Redd. This was my first Redd visit and it was nice to see him in his old town tent, although i want him to get a shop of his own in Main Street. Speaking of Main Street, i got my 2 fortune cookies and today was a Metroid kinda day! I got a spare Samus mask and i FINALLY GOT THE VAIRA SUIT PANTS! NO LONGER SHALL I WALK THE STREETS WITH BROWN DRESS PANTS! i AM COMPLETE!.....I mean, check out this last pic, its a collage of my town since June 9th:

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i already have a blog of what i did today so plz go and read that ill give you a little teaser of what i did though i caught 7 sharks today woohoo!!! so plz head over to the blog tree to see what i did today its worth your while i promise
Friday June 21st - Day 8

It's summer solstice! Having it be bright outside at night is weird.

Frita is all unpacked. Her house looks like a cafeteria or a diner or something. I guess I know where people in my town are going to go when they're hungry! I also have a fenced off area today for Henry. Sounds like he's a smug frog.

Ken wanted a barbel steed. I agreed to find him one. Normally, I find these things like crazy. But tonight, it took me over an hour to find one. And he just gave me a flame tee in thanks. I am disappoint.

Badge Man came today. I got 4 badges. One for filling 50% of my bugs, one for filling 50% of sea critters, one for getting a bunch of medals at the island, and one for catching a large total number of fish (I got the 50% fish catalog one a few days ago).

No other special visitors. No, not even Pascal. I caught a scallop but he was a no show.

I finished paying off the Reset Center. It'll be built tomorrow! Cyrus woke up too. FINALLY! I also finally ran into a tarantula and gave it to the museum.

Other than those things, it was fairly quiet in Sakura.
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Sunday 23th June Day 8

Today I completed my Street Lamp Project and held an opening ceremony then started another one with a caution sign which I paid for after travelling to the island and catching fish/bugs and sea creatures. I managed to catch 5 sharks, Renovated my house again which is going to cost me 198,000 bells. I did a few tours and have managed to get 92 medals so far and have also managed to save up 240,000 bells into my account.