is there a reason they like birds a lot?? @@don't they poop everywhere??
Awww cute! I really like how expressive the eyes are!
If only people saw the beauty that is SPLASH Free! xDDD
kill me, this took ~6 hours in one sitting running on very little sleep
but it was totally worth it! ; v ;
looks awesome! Bridgette is hawt!XD
nice job shiro!!! :^)
i was unable to really even start the beach party picture andddddd didnt bother even looking at that unfinished smut i have XD;;; rip... ill draw more tomorrow hopefully =A=
These are great! I especially like how you draw anthros/demi-humans. Very expressive and cute. : )
I really like how you draw canids! You have a very cute art style. c: I'll be sure to keep an eye on your art!
oh MAN there is way too much delicious man tiddy to go around
its not really nsfw its a tiny doodle but w/e markin it anyway because hot man ****