The Battle For TBT's Battle Feild

ill take a Creature Lvl 12

since i have 61 attk and 60 def

he cant do jack to me and i do 1 attk to his health each turn

in the end after 190 grueling attks

i win and get 2.65k
ill take a Creature Lvl 16

still no dmg to me


gata love being 1 step ahead

i gain

also for a limited time only

Rebels get 50% bonus gold

and new Alliance get 50% bonus gold

leaders dont get this bonus
L3 monster can't harm me and I'll finish him in about 7-10 turns
gets 350 but wait bonus which now I get 700g
WOE i just relized something about the bosses

ok so this is how it stands

Boss 1 - 250 attk 250 def 500 hp - 8k for beating it
Boss 2 - 300 attk 300 def 600 hp - 10 for beating it
Boss 3 - 400 attk 400 def 800 hp - 15k for beating it
Boss 2

i will unleash the fury again of my Ultimate Beast



and i pwn that boss with not a scratch on me

i gain 10k
I will take on a lvl2 with Nips and lvl2 guy cant hurt my nips and i do 10 damg each turn hell die in 5 turns i get 200 gold.