Kinda late...rofl.
ZELDAFREAK104 said:Hmm.... I deleted it, so storm can you PM me the ]
Uh.... I lost the link, but I'll take care of these codes.
30000 Bells is a UC which means it has less of a chance of working:gabbylala said:Can i have all all the codes for mario items.and the code for 30000 bells.Hailey in Kentucky and the k is caps.
Sure, but they'll have to be UCs.gabbylala said:No i want the mario.I wanted this to thank you. but please get the mario.
I don't think there is a Robo TV in this one. How 'bout a robo stereo though?gabbylala said:If there is one can i have robo tv?
Well here's the UC of it:Jtcuth48 said:does anyone have a free golden axe? pm me if you do
I'm going to give you "Contest Codes" since I know those work better with some NES games, and I can't remember which ones exactly. If Tom Nook says you didn't win a contest, keep trying the code until it works. If he says they don't work (for example, maybe he'll say it isn't for you or something...) then tell me which ones didn't work and I'll get you a different type of code to try.WaddleDee said:Can I get codes for all the emulated games? Thanks!
Kirby in Popstar