
Let's Get Ready to SMASH!
Now that we have had two smash tournaments and the Ultimate Hype is at an all time high, its about time we have the first "official" Invitational event for the high-class players of The Bell Tree Forums. If you are looking to gain an invitation, please post in the thread before the tournament commences with:
(spoiler alert everyone gets an invitation)
- The name you would like to go by for the tournament
- Your nintendo switch friend code (idc if its in your side bar, post it)
- *The name of the character you intend to use throughout the ENTIRE tournament*
- Typical times of the day you can play matches and how you want contact (Discord, VMs, PMs)
- Signature of commitment, see below
Yes this is a one character using only... the character you sign up with is the one you will only use throughout the entire tournament. ITs about commitment, knowing your main, and being confident in yourself and your main.
- There will be a losers' bracket
- The winner will get a custom-made banner (by yours truly) to post in their signature!
Rule Set
- Match Type: Stock - 5 LIVES
- Rounds will be best of 3, except losers' finals and grand finals which will be best of 5
- Time - 10 minutes
- FS meter, Spirits, Items, stage hazards OFF - ALL OF THIS IS FOR GLORY
Stage List
- All battlefield and Omega Stages
- Final Destination and Battlefield (no big battlefield)
- Pokemon Stadiums
- Town & City and Smashville
- Kalos and Unova Pokemon League
- Yoshi's Island Brawl
Past tournaments have had an issue with activity and tourneys taking too long and there will be no tolerance for this. Rules will be set and time periods will be absolute. YOU CAN'T START ROUNDS EARLY, everything will move together... A post will be made at the start of each new period listing all matches that need to be played... you can communicate with your partner ahead of time to pick a time in the allotted period, but matches MUST BE PLAYED IN THE TIME PERIOD. This ensures no surprises, because you know what needs to happen for the tournament and if you have anything coming up, you can plan to handle it.EACH TIME PERIOD WILL BE 5 DAYS LONG STARTING AT 12 AM EST
I'm not a monster though, so if it absolutely won't work out, you must have a solid time scheduled by the end to play within 48 hours of the period ending.
All scheduling should be done publicly (VMs or Discord) or inform me of private contact via VMs or discord, so that i can see and determine who should advance in the case a match doesn't happen. Having yourself not on invisible allows me to see when you log in, so I'd love for you to turn off invisible
To show that you understand this commitment and read the above paragraph, in your sign-up please address it
"Please Consider me for the tournament, Thank you Mr. Toad and Watch"
We can discuss and tweak these rules until the start of the tournament. We need 16 players minimum, so start will depend on this. But I will say tentative start is Wednesday March 13 at 12 AM EST.
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