Hikari discovers a river.
Jetix picks flowers.
happinessdelight sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
Jacob IawaII begs for Konata to kill him. He refuses, keeping Jacob IawaII alive.
pokedude729 stalks misstayleigh.
Drizzy receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
CommanderLeahShepard receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.
Yuki Nagato, Magic Marshmallow , Daiki, and The Peanut Butter Fish raid AppleCracker's camp while he is hunting.
duckyluv overhears Hettie and Mario talking in the distance.
Apollo and MissLily123 work together for the day.
No cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
Hettie tends to Daiki's wounds.
Mario and misstayleigh huddle for warmth.
The Peanut Butter Fish is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.
MissLily123 goes to sleep.
Drizzy and CommanderLeahShepard huddle for warmth.
Magic Marshmallow passes out from exhaustion.
Hikari fends happinessdelight, pokedude729, and Apollo away from his fire.
Konata and Jacob IawaII hold hands.
Yuki Nagato and Jetix tell stories about themselves to each other.
duckyluv defeats AppleCracker in a fight, but spares his life.