The Bell Tree: Legend of the Darkness [CHAPTER 2 UP]


A Paradoxical Experience
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>Chapter 1</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">
The World Ends With You ~ Part 1

He woke up at the same time, every night, or day. There was no differentiation between the two. Fredal looked out the window and saw nothing but the same red-black sky he say every single waking moment of his life. Such was the dreary landscape of Mondo Scuro. A barren wasteland full of scattered cities and carcasses, not to mention the occasional pile of bones. No, this was not the kind of place you would want to live, nor vacation. Fredal walked into the bathroom, stared at his shadowy image, brushed his charcoal-colored-hair and headed for work. This would be a long... whatever.


Ally stood up. "I remember when the days used to be brighter. Everything seems so... so..." She stopped. She couldn't bare to utter the word, for it would be redundant. "I sound like a babbling fool. Talking of this light and dark. The only such light I have seen is in my visions when I rest." The people of Mondo Scuro lived in darkness. Now, it wasn't pitch black; there were various shades of orange, purple, black, dark yellow, and other depressing colors. And everyone had their distinct look as well! Not that you could tell because all colors seemed to dull and fade and mix together to form a figure. These figures would tell you what person you were talking to, was approaching, and whatnot. Ally started walking back to the tree. The Bell Tree. The tree that had given life to all of the people in this world. It had lost its light, its magic, its life. It was now as barren as the surrounding land. She looked towards the tree and saw a color that she had never seen before. She ran towards it.


Andy sat in the tree. He had been sensing something was wrong between the balance of worlds. The world of light was so amazing, he couldn't bare to leave it. But he had to. He had no choice. It was his destiny.


Fredal pulled off his vest and went to work. Where did he work? Where all of the people worked - the DROAP Mines. DROAP, which stands for Darkness Reigning Over All People, was the main force driving the darkness in this land. The creature fed off of the misery of its subjects, and the lust, and the greed. Despite this, everyone continued their job. Fredal was no different, except for the fact that he felt a calling. He felt the need for something; he had visions at night. The elders told him this was the light trying to poison his mind. As Fred picked at the jewels in the ground, he felt a sudden urge. He sat up and wiped his brow. He heard a faint echo, "F...r..." "Huh? What? Who called me? Who's there?" Fred inquired. "Just us, you dolt. No one called you, now get back to work." Replied his friend, Rettger. Fredal shrugged and continued working. "! The... the... tree! Go!" The voice faded. "Wha-what? Ret, I need to leave. Can you take my shift for me?" Fred asked. "I ain't working your shift, but wherever you're going, I'm going to. I've had enough of this hellhole for one unit
<div class='spoiler_toggle'>World, Characters, Creatures, and Other Lore</div><div class="spoiler" style="display:none;">

Mondo Scuro ~ Italian for "Dark World". this is where some of the story takes place.

Fredal ~ One of the main characters. Someone with more ambition than the others.

Andy ~ The traveling old man that knows more than he lets on.

Ally ~ The girl with the visions. She feels tied to someone from an alternate world. She can't explain it.

Retger Just tagging along for the fun. He's in for more than he bargained for.

The Dark Evil??? Main Evil

HeartSilver Darkness-spawned creature. It does whatever it wants.
Legend of the Black? hueehuehueheuhue
What about Nookoon? He'd seem like a good anthropomorphic animal character.
Not exactly sure when the second one should be up. I have a packed day today, so I'll try to get it up as soon as I can.
Tom said:
Can't believe I didn't notice that about the names.

So when's Koon and Mot appear? :p
Donbran, Nodnarb.... No, that sounds stupid.