The Bell Tree Story (3)

Smart_Tech_Dragon_15 said:

How did you know about the Dragon-Insect Wars? Have you been taking peeks at the History Book of the Dragonian Empire?

I'm a Bookworm, what can I say?

<big><big><big>Chapter 5


And it landed.... the place that was targeted was now nothing more than a smoldering pile of ashes, and only some people escaped. But then, I came over to myself. I thought 'What did I do?!!? I possibly killed a innocent group of people?!!? I'm.... a criminal now!!! But.... I still... urge to KILL!!!'. I knew that killing was wrong but I will have to do it for now, because I am a criminal. Smart_Tech_Dragon15 flew over ponds of muck and flew over to me, put his foot on my chest landing me to the ground and said angrily 'You just killed members! What are you thinking?!?!?!!!'. I said 'I'm thinking you better get your foot of me before I do something terrible like -'. Then Bulerias came over and said 'Kolvo! You don't say that sort of stuff to anyone, espically staff, I will add a warn to your log, even though I stopped you from saying it -' I said quickly 'You can't control me anymore! You've controlled us members for too long, TOO LONG! I will show you what it is like for once.. to be controlled, for I have the Skull Staff! AHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!'. I flew at them at remarkable speeds, missing every time. I got scorced, but I lodged a ice block in STD15's throat, preventing him to breathe fire for a short time. Bulerias was fast. I was faster. I shifted my Stff into a Boomerang with dark magic and set it on fire, throwing it at Bulerias, then STD15. But then, something more powerful than I could ever get happened. Bulerias charged up to a bright red, then blue, then electric blue, then rushed at me! I was flying....flying......awaaaaayyyy......
<big><big><big>Chapter 6

The Twilight Tomb</big>

I woke up, after 5 hours, at a tropical island. I remember this place.... Yoshi's Island! The first place I went away from TBT... but despair and the scent of murder in the air. I saw a village on fire and ran down to hurry there. Everyone; every Yoshi: dead. But then I saw in a cage... a shining monkey. It glowed like gold... I thought, maybe I could sell it... for 888 billion bells!!! I waved my Skull Staff and summoned 2 demons to kill the people guarding the cage, and they were eaten, then the demons bowed to me and vanished. I turned the cage to ice, then smashed it with a kick, and grabbed the monkey before it could run. But then... I fell to the ground... the Skull Staff vanishing...


I woke up in the middle of a tomb where it looked like it belonged to a king. In the middle was a golden orange tomb. But, I didn't want to plunder its riches... I turned back into a good guy! I opened the tomb to see what was inside, and there were dusty old robes and a sword made of Saphire, the king was holding... but I felt a cold hand on my shoulder... the hairs on me were rising..
<big><big><big>Chapter 6

The Twilight King</big>

A hearty voice said 'Kyle! We meet, atlast! My alas... your down than ever...'. I looked over my shoulder and saw a man in crimson, burgundy, and tangerine robes, with a staff of what looked like it was made of bronze, and had the the sun and moon circling it, like a clock. He said 'Well.. I haven't introduced myself, for I am, the TwilightKing. I control the pass of Daylight and Night. Without the king, me, mortals could control it at anytime, for bandits would rob at anytime, summer would sink into nighttime always, and I would not be able to save the world one day, and today is that day, for you will acomplish it, as prophecy says it would! You will save the world once more, yes yes, tiresome, but you can relax when your dead. (

:blink: ) I brought you here, because of certain things. I will explain to you what is happening at TBT. The Staff has locked the gate to The Town Dump, thinking you are in it, and waiting for you to die. But you aren't there are you? They thought you would land again in the Town Dump, because no other exits were found, but somehow, you escaped. Anyway, your tree is on fire, with all your belongings. They marked you as banned, so you are not welcome. You are now a Outlaw. They are not important anymore, yes yes. Anyway, I have suspecting, that the Holy Monkey is in danger. She is a great benefit, because, she holds all holiness on Earth, and goodness. The Unholy Monkey plans to kill her. The demon you killed a few months ago, gave all its power to the Unholy Monkey to finish you off, and destroy all good, hating it, because it was the cause of its banishment. I present you... a great weapon. You will use this, and its armor, to defeat this evil, but it will be harder, than any other thing you did, even the demon, because it combined its power with another, too. Open the chest over there, for the things I wish you to have.'. The TwilightKing was huffing and puffing after the long talk, and I marched over to the chest. It was Topaz......and I saw in it when I opened it, I saw the best equipment ever, even better than all before it!
Eh eh. Does anyone care about this story anymore???? I think I should lock it.
Nobody reads it though. I think I should just make a last chapter with everyone dying because Jigglypuff turned into Godzilla and eats us, but then the world gets sucked in a black hole...
Kolvo said:
Nobody reads it though. I think I should just make a last chapter with everyone dying because Jigglypuff turned into Godzilla and eats us, but then the world gets sucked in a black hole...
that would phail, x3
PKMNMasterSamus said:
They're too long, or at least make them look shorter by splitting the big paragraphs into littler ones.
Too long? Wooah, boy, if this is long, you haven't seen anything yet.

Bulerias said:
PKMNMasterSamus said:
They're too long, or at least make them look shorter by splitting the big paragraphs into littler ones.
Too long? Wooah, boy, if this is long, you haven't seen anything yet.

I think I have <_<....along time ago, before I joined TBT I would look around...and then Darth showed me your fanfic. Wow, was that long <_< I think I read the first paragraph :).
<big><big><big>Chapter 7

The Portal of Time</big>

It was.. the same things I was wearing! A mirror.... I looked back at the King and he said 'You don't need fancy equipment!!!'. I sighed and was thinking if he lost his brain. 'Okay... But I am just a regular person. I have no background features to save me. I'm not at all athletic. Nor even have strength. I'm fast. I posess some magic, because of my ancestors were warlocks, but thats it. I shuffled off to the chest. The King said 'Exactly... I will tell you why. I can take you back in time. The chest is a portal. It will take you back in time. All you need to do, is pervent yourself from losing your valueabes! Just step in...'. I stepped in the chest, and I felt like I was melting........