The best Banana? 🍌


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Feb 28, 2020
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What banana is the perfect banana to eat?

I personally think 11 is perfect. Beyond 13 is questionable if it isn't for banana bread impo.
lowest I'd eat is 9.
Uh okay well let's say 8-9. Although 9 has a weird creme colour so out of those two specifically 8. My boyfriend would say 1 or even greener... A few days ago he bought totally green bananas and said that they are perfect to eat right now. I ate one and it was pretty tasteless. Anything beyond 10 I don't like that much - I don't want my bananas to be too sweet and mushy. A firm or slightly soft texture with a balanced taste is the best.
11 for sure, and same with what other said, I wouldn't eat the green/freshly yellow ones. I've done that before and it taste like deodorant
I don't usually eat bananas because I don't like the texture, but I don't mind bananas in other things. However, if I had to pick one to eat I'd say the perfect one is #6. Anywhere between 5 and 8 is edible to me. I won't touch a banana that's not in that range.
Let's see..bananas 1-5 are too green and hard so they're not mature enough for me to eat. Bananas 6-10 are just right to eat. Bananas 11-15 are too mature and I hate the brown spots so they're only good for making banana bread.
I'm not a fan of bananas and only eat them when I really need to, but I can best tolerate anything in the 6-10 range. I sometimes struggle with their texture even then, so anything outside of that grouping would be too much for me to deal with. ;;
I rather dislike green bananas, and sometimes even a seemingly quite yellow banana still has the unpleasant green flavor, so I wouldn't really want to consume any of them until 9 if given the luxury of choice.

I'd say 10 or 11 is probably my preference. Anything past those would be utilized for banana bread.
Between 5-6, but I usually avoid them. Before 5, they don't taste that good and after 6 they make me vomit. I love banana, but ripe banana have too much sugar and my body just reject them. If I could just have anything I like, 5-9 are perfect on their own, more than that I like them with peanut butter, bread, cinnamon or oatmeal. I prefer banana a bit green or not too sweet
6-8 bananas are perfect for me both in terms of taste and texture. 11 starts to get a little too sweet and mushy for my liking, so I always try to finish all my bananas when they still have little to no spots on them. 1-5 is inedible to me lol.
4-8 are perfect for me. i don’t mind eating bananas while they‘re still green and lowkey prefer them that way (they’re yummy and a great texture imo), though before 3 is usually too bitter for me. i’ll still eat them though lol, but i prefer 4-8. maybe i’m silly, but anything after 8 doesn’t taste as good and is too mushy for me. i prefer my bananas to be on the firmer side.