between 10 and 11, glad thats popular opinion
7-9 are serviceable but not satisfying, would eat 12, more than 12 is gross (unless for smoothies) and less than 7 is just unpleasant
they usually get sold at like a 6 or sometimes even 5, it’s so annoying and awful. And sure you can wait for them to ripen anyway but somehow bananas seem to last a shorter time these days.
Idk raw banana just doesn't do it for me. Maybe it's the texture cause I enjoy cooked banana desserts. If I had to pick one, I'd say around 9. Any higher and you gotta leave them for banana bread.
All those bananas are fine for culinary use. The more ripe they are, you can just mash or slice them to make something. Or freeze them until you're ready to make cake or muffins with it. But the more ripe or green they are, they're obviously not going to be as good raw.
7-9. Everything else tastes off to me. Once it hits 10+ I freeze them and add them to smoothies (which normally means they just sit in my freezer forever as I rarely make them).
probably 4-9. 4/5 usually happens if im really impatient and if i just want to consume uno. i'll eat numero 10 if it's presence is made known.
before numero 4/5, they taste too weird and i find it a bit difficult to open them
i like bananas 5-6. i just like them when they're a little bit under ripe. i wouldn't really go past 11 because i think 12-15 are too ripe and squishy. now i want some banana bread...
6 or 7 for sure. I don't care for spots at all as it somehow always made me not want to eat it lol
I remember reading somewhere that the darker a banana gets, the more sugar it creates inside, making it sweeter. It then looses the healthy sources of potassium in it. They say eating a banana when at a 2 or 3 is most healthiest.
8/9 would be perfect for me, just in the right stage before they start becoming banana cake bananas. I really dislike the taste of green bananas so avoid those completely.
I would definitely enjoy eating bananas if it's like 9 or 10.
I'm not a big fan of green bananas or bananas that have green spots on it, it's definitely a bit sour for my taste.
11 onwards is great for banana cakes and other desserts though.