The best Mario game?

N e s s

It’s Furret Friday
Jan 4, 2015
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My personal favorite has to be the underrated Sunshine, I just love the charm of the game. I know galaxy is better in many ways but sunshine is still my favorite. I liked how if you look into the distance you can see other levels, It really ties sunshine together as a community in many ways. What's your favorite?
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Sunshine, Galaxy, or Galaxy 2. I can't really say which is my favorite.

For the sake of it I'd just say Galaxy 2 because it's the most current LOL
My favorite spin off is Luigi's mansion 2, I liked the 2nd better for some reason, maybe it was just the charm of it.
Haven't played Sunshine... :( but I'd say Mario 64 or Super Mario World 3D.

Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door is my fav Spinoff tho.
Haven't played Sunshine... :( but I'd say Mario 64 or Super Mario World 3D.

Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door is my fav Spinoff tho.

AH yes, Thousand Year Door is a classic and the best Paper Mario game so far IMO :D
my favourite is Super Mario World :)

also SM64 and SM3DW are so good, and I'm a sucker for the Mario RPGs :eek:
Main series and overall: Galaxy 1. Everything about it is perfect in my eyes.
Sports: Sports Mix. A nice variety of characters and modes make it really great
Kart: 8. It looks pwetty.
RPG: Dream Team. THE MUSIC!!! SO GOOD!!!!!

Honestly all of these have great music which is important to me. If it doesn't have good music, I just don't enjoy the game as much.
For me, Super Mario Galaxy 1. It is the only Mario game that I can proudly say that I've 100% completed. All 121 stars with both Mario and Luigi. Although that was back when I was like 12, so 7 years ago.
For me, Super Mario Galaxy 1. It is the only Mario game that I can proudly say that I've 100% completed. All 121 stars with both Mario and Luigi. Although that was back when I was like 12, so 7 years ago.

Woah, that is some major dedication. Wish I was that passionate about Mario Galaxy. I beat the game, but never dreamed of 100%'ing it :)
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My personal favourite is Galaxy. Out of the main series games that I've played, I had the most fun with it. Sunshine comes pretty close, though.
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My personal fav is Super Mario Advance close 2nd is super Mario galaxy
Super Mario World is by far my favorite 2D Mario platformer ever released to date. Sure, the overall level design may be a bit easier than the one from Super Mario Bros. 3, but there's so much versatility on how you can beat a level along with secret exits it made the game a true classic. Totally worth trying it out on Virtual Console.

I consider both Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 to be the best 3D Mario platformers ever released so far. Despite favoring linerar levels over exploratives, the unique planet hopping mechanic made the levels creative and even accommodate platforming segments you'd see on Super Mario 64 and Sunshine. And they can even get challenging if you chosen to do so.
My favorite 2D Mario is Mario 3 and NSMB 1. The 3rd I liked just a bit more than world because reasons. I like the difficulty of 3 and its cherished in my favorite games. I also like the original NSMB because of it being a good reboot to the original. But the other NSMBs are just copy and pastes of the last one.