The Birthday Celebration (spoilers)


Arize from Azulon
Nov 23, 2016
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Pink Moon Jellyfish
Blue Moon Jellyfish
Green Moon Jellyfish
Pearl-Oyster Shell Plush
Dino Plush
Bee Plush
Mom's Plush
Sheep Plush
Celeste Chick Plush
I just experienced the birthday celebration yesterday (finally!) and it was so fantastic! I'm one of the unlucky ones that had to wait almost a year to have a birthday in ACNH 🙈 and I'm glad to say I wasn't spoiled at all for it. If you haven't experienced it yet, please don't read more. This event is best as a surprise :)

Anyway, I think that compared to New Leaf, this event absolutely surpassed it in quality. This is the one event that I really feel they actually improved upon. It is heaps and bounds better than the previous game.

I love that you get a really adorable birthday cake from mom, a cute bday furniture piece, and cupcakes! You also get a really adorable pinata to destroy, and the animation for that was so cute. And KK Slider even comes to play you a song, while messages from your towns folk pop up.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't give away my cupcakes since I had no idea that was how you got the rest of the set 😭 I had an inkling that might be the case, but I wanted to keep the cupcakes and I've been kinda dome with AC at this point, so I didn't play the game for too long, even on my birthday. And I really regret it because I'll have to wait another long year before I get those items now. That's entirely my fault though.

But what did you guys think about the birthday celebration? What was your favourite part? Do you think that this was way better than what New Leaf had? How did it compare to the older titles (I haven't played any of them)?
I had mine in January and it was delightful! I'd experienced it before since my side characters had them already (I use friend's/family member's birthdays for them), but my main character's was special, dangit.

Honestly, my favorite part was probably the cupcakes and giving them away- it seems like villagers are more likely to give you birthday items if you're friends and, man, I CLEANED UP since I was so close to so many villagers! Also, I got to see what happens when you SHARE a bday with a villager *pokes my avatar, Savannah is my birthday buddy*- you BOTH get parties! And, it seems like you can't give them a cupcake on the day of, but the next day (sadly, I was out of cupcakes at that point and couldn't remember which character of mine had the extra ones until after) she wished me a belated birthday, so I'm guessing she would've accepted one then. Also, the bulletin board mentions it's both of your birthdays in a super cute little message!

But, I totally agree- so much better then previous games! It's really been made into a whole event, not just a side note, and the villagers really go the extra mile. Also, the birthday items are super cute- I love them all!
My birthday was the first week I played the game, and nobody said or did a thing.

They did for my wife's character, but the cupcake isn't like the awesome customizable cupcakes we could buy in NL.
I think the new horizons birthdays put the older entries to shame.

It was such a nice surprise and left me feeling happy all day long. Super glad I didn't get it spoilt for me either.
I had my birthday a month after the release and I agree! Birthdays in NH are the best in the series and I believe the only event which is actually better than NL's. (And maybe Festivale).

The game really gives you a nice celebration and it's constant as well, not just a single villager saying happy birthday to you once and that's it. K.K. gives you a performance, EVERY villager gives you a present, and you even get to play with a piñata.
I had my birthday a month after the release and I agree! Birthdays in NH are the best in the series and I believe the only event which is actually better than NL's. (And maybe Festivale).

The game really gives you a nice celebration and it's constant as well, not just a single villager saying happy birthday to you once and that's it. K.K. gives you a performance, EVERY villager gives you a present, and you even get to play with a piñata.
If only the other events had this much love and effort put into them! They really made the player feel special and gave such warm fuzzy feelings! ^_^
My favorite part was the surprise from K.K. though you really got to have friends to make it truly special

I just celebrated mine a this week too and really enjoyed it.

One nitpick: Why do they only give us 6 cupcakes? 3 villagers at the party + 7 other villagers mean one villager gets left out. Punchy is my newest villager and I've only had him two weeks, so he was the one who didn't give a cupcake to. When I talked to him, he said happy birthday and had some dialogue about liking cupcakes but I had already given them all away. Sorry Punchy!
I loved the birthday event! I've had it before in NL but I don't remember it being nearly as amusing! The K.K. performance hit me right in the feels 😭
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I just celebrated mine a this week too and really enjoyed it.

One nitpick: Why do they only give us 6 cupcakes? 3 villagers at the party + 7 other villagers mean one villager gets left out. Punchy is my newest villager and I've only had him two weeks, so he was the one who didn't give a cupcake to. When I talked to him, he said happy birthday and had some dialogue about liking cupcakes but I had already given them all away. Sorry Punchy!
I got 6 as well, but my friend said she ended up getting 9! I think I heard it varies depending on how quickly you hit the piñata.

Still, poor Punchy though...
I had mine back in August. They improved a lot on the birthday celebrations. I was pleasantly surprised that when K.K. Slider performed, I got written messages from my villagers, including one from my sister (in which I returned the favour for her birthday in December)! The birthday celebration felt more lively with breaking open the pinata. I was spamming the A button so hard lol. On another positive, it's nice using the birthday cupcakes to get birthday furniture quicker as opposed to just one every year or resorting to time travel.

Tip: If you weren't able to give cupcakes to all of your villagers on your birthday, you have another opportunity to do so the next day. They even have dialogue saying happy late birthday to you. I'm not sure about the days after, though.
The birthday celebrations are truly fantastic. I agree with people who say that the messages at K.K. concert were the best part, I liked how they even got the NPC there.
I just celebrated mine a this week too and really enjoyed it.

One nitpick: Why do they only give us 6 cupcakes? 3 villagers at the party + 7 other villagers mean one villager gets left out. Punchy is my newest villager and I've only had him two weeks, so he was the one who didn't give a cupcake to. When I talked to him, he said happy birthday and had some dialogue about liking cupcakes but I had already given them all away. Sorry Punchy!
The number of cupcakes you get actually depends on how fast you hit it. I think they mention mashing A as fast as you can to give you a hint for this. But I also only ended up with 6 (I think it's the minimum).
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I had mine back in August. They improved a lot on the birthday celebrations. I was pleasantly surprised that when K.K. Slider performed, I got written messages from my villagers, including one from my sister (in which I returned the favour for her birthday in December)! The birthday celebration felt more lively with breaking open the pinata. I was spamming the A button so hard lol. On another positive, it's nice using the birthday cupcakes to get birthday furniture quicker as opposed to just one every year or resorting to time travel.

Tip: If you weren't able to give cupcakes to all of your villagers on your birthday, you have another opportunity to do so the next day. They even have dialogue saying happy late birthday to you. I'm not sure about the days after, though.
Oh wow really?? I have to try this before they all go to bed tonight!! Thanks!
i got the game as an early birthday present and was blown away by the time my actual birthday rolled around! i always cry on my birthdays in animal crossing but this one made me the happiest ;u; i didn't know you were supposed to trade the cupcakes either!!
Celebrated in April for 3 players and it's a 10/10. Played with no information and didn't hit the pinata fast. Got 9 cupcakes.
2nd player and main player on my 2nd island had the same birthday. They received less cupcakes. Both of those players were started later in the game. Cupcake amounts might be based on your friendship levels.

One mistake I made was giving the villagers at the party cupcakes. I ran out and wasn't able to give a few cupcakes. When I gave a villager that was at the party I got nothing.

K.K. Slider was late asking for a birthday message for one of my players. It was a week after her birthday and no message. Maybe she gets it this year.
My birthday was in January... and I also didn't know you could give cupcakes to villagers to get the rest of the furniture :eek: I'll have to remember that for next year.
my birthday was march 23rd, 3 days after release so i didn't get to celebrate ingame on the day
i did TT back later on and it was so cute, i gave my villagers the cupcakes because they asked for them, i didn't know i'd get birthday themed gifts so that was a nice surprise too 💕
For all the flaws I point out on NH, the birthday party was definitely an improvement. It plays off just like it does in NL, but it takes it further. The pinata was fun to whack and I haven't tried my birthday in NL in many years, but I think they added more charm to the birthday wish scene.
Ahhh this makes me so excited! My birthday is Friday and it will be my first one since NH came out. I already knew pieces of what the birthday entailed and all the items (I've been to like 20 friends' parties haha) but I'm still excited to gather them all and celebrate. I only recently found out you could leave messages with KK for other people that would play during his birthday song. I'm excited to see what my celebration will be like this week. I've been stopping myself from tting all week!
I have to agree, they knocked it out of the park this time around. I loved my birthday celebrations last year, it really makes you feel special! I loved the cupcakes too, and saved a few to decorate with!