The Birthday Celebration (spoilers)

Unfortunately for me, I didn't give away my cupcakes since I had no idea that was how you got the rest of the set 😭
Don't feel bad at all. My birthday was in August, and I JUST learned this from your post! 🤣 I never even considered that.

I loved the birthday event! I was just expecting a cake and letter or something, but the New Horizons birthday event was such a nice surprise. I'm excited for my next birthday now that I know what to do with these cupcakes. :d
I experienced it last May - my first pandemic birthday (and it’ll be my second this year haha)! I was so happy to be able to celebrate in game and I feel like they really made an effort to make it special. Loved the added touch of letters that your friends can leave you! Not gonna lie, I did tear up a little haha.
I took my time hitting the piñata and I didn't know that the amount of cupcakes you get depend on how crazy you hit it. Had to buy and trade for cupcakes and the rest of the birthday set here (Thank you, TBT!).